✧*̥˚ Prologue *̥˚✧

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"Kneel for me, baby girl," Joel huffs, spinning around to face me.

I cross my arms and roll my eyes, "Really Joel? Right now? I think we need to-"

Before the words leave my mouth, Joel has closed the space between us. He grabs my chin and roughly pushes me up against the wall. He looks down at me, his eyes landing on my lips.

My ragged breath hits his face as he leans in meer inches from mine. His eyes lock on my lips as he growls,

"You know how I feel about repeating myself. You're not disobeyin' me now, are ya?"

Defiance flashes through my eyes for a second. He hasn't been tested yet, and I want to see how he handles it. Handles me.

I give him the cockiest grin I can muster. "I don't know, Daddy, what if I am?" I give him my best pout, "Should I be scared?"

His eyes darken with disapproval as he locks his eyes with mine. Before I can push him further, he spins me around and pins me back to the wall. My face lies flat against the wall, and I erupt into giggles.

This seems to enrage Joel as he presses himself against my backside and pins my arms behind my back with one hand. His other hand moves to wrap around my pony tail, pulling it hard and forcing me to look up and causing me to whimper. I'm completely at his mercy.

He leans in close, and his hot breath tickles my ear and sends a thrill down to my groin. He whispers calmly, "Oh baby girl, you should be very scared of defying daddy. I am very displeased with you."

My breathing turns to panting as he threatens, "You're going to pay dearly for that fucking mouth of yours," he presses into my body even harder, "I'm going to show you what happens to brats who don't listen to their master..."

Fuck. I've done it now....

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