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Nisha had been working hard on her jewellery designs for days, pouring her heart and soul into each piece. Her dedication had paid off, and her family was full of praises for her. Her dadaji was especially proud of her, and he saw great potential in her talent. One day, he called Nisha into his study and told her that he had an opportunity for her. He explained that the queen was looking for unique and exquisite jewellery designs, and he wanted Nisha to present her designs to her.

At first, Nisha was hesitant. She had never been to the palace before and was nervous about meeting the queen. But her dadaji assured her that she had the talent to impress the queen, and it was an opportunity of a lifetime. After some convincing, Nisha agreed to go with her dadaji to the palace to present her designs. She spent the next few days perfecting her designs, making sure every detail was perfect.

Finally, the day arrived, and Nisha and her dadaji left for the palace. As they walked through the palace gates, Nisha was in awe of the grandeur and beauty of the place. They were soon escorted to the queen's chamber, where Nisha nervously presented her designs. The queen examined each piece carefully, and to Nisha's delight, she was impressed. She praised Nisha's talent and told her that she had a bright future ahead of her. Nisha was overjoyed and thanked the queen for her kind words. As they left the palace, Nisha felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. She had faced her fears and proved to herself that she was capable of great things.

Queen patralekha insists nisha and her dadaji to have a lunch with them, she says that her elder son is on the way to palace for lunch and she will be happy if they also joined them, nisha was about to say no but her dadaji agrees. Patralekha, says to nisha that there is some time in the arrival of her son so why not she takes a tour to the palace, nisha agrees. patralekha calls kamlesh and asks him to give a tour to nisha, with bowing his head he left with nisha for the palace tour.

As Kamlesh leads Nisha through the grand halls of the palace, she is awestruck by the intricate carvings, sparkling chandeliers, and luxurious decor. Kamlesh explains the history and significance of each room they pass by, and Nisha listens attentively. They stop at a particularly beautiful room, adorned with exquisite paintings and rich tapestries. Kamlesh tells Nisha that it is the queen's private sitting room, and that no one is allowed inside without her permission.

As they move on to the next room, Nisha can't help but wonder what it would be like to sit in that room, surrounded by such opulence. She pushes the thought away and continues to listen to Kamlesh's explanations.

Nisha was exploring the palace with the guidance of kamlesh, suddenly she hears the bark of Rottweiler.

[Rottweiler: Being strong, devoted, and protective, rottweilers can be hazardous when they attack intruders]

She was scared looking at the dog, he was dangerous and was barking, he was chained. 

Kamlesh: tells her that this dog is only tamed by their crown prince Shivraj Singh Suryavanshi she was just passing by that dog suddenly he tries to attack her she was literally scared and was numb for a minute, just then her leg slips she was about to fall just then a strong pair of arms grabbed her waist and held her firmly. 

Shivraj held Nisha tightly, preventing her from falling. As he looked down at her, he was struck by her beauty. Her closed eyes and soft features made her look delicate and vulnerable, and he felt an urge to protect her. Nisha slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was safe and looked up and saw that it was none other than Shivraj Singh Suryavanshi himself, their eyes meeting, and for a moment, everything around them faded away.

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