Chapter 1: Cogs in the Machine (REWRITTEN)

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To enhance your experience for this hardly worked-on intro (Not really), I highly suggest you play Mokusei, made by RichaadEB (All credit is to him, I do not own the music. Please have mercy), to ensure you reach maximum satisfaction from these words painting a picture in your mind. Now, enjoy.

Note: The timestamp is corresponding with the paragraph below it. For example. The first one has no music, but the second one is the start of the intro music. Just thought it had to be known.

It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the wildlife was enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. Even a lone beowolf was enjoying the scenery, before turning around. Noticing something as he slowly crept through the brush, just about to kill a fawn and its baby as it was about to pounce on them!


Suddenly, its ears perk up as ears a low rumbling. It then quickly looks to its left and lets out a small yelp as it tries to run away and dodge what is coming its way. Screams of fear and excitement could be heard as a vehicle resembling an armored buggy rammed it over while continuing through the forest.


"Battlefield 2042: The Soldiers of Remnant!"


Semyon "Seeker" Zaytsev, played by Author #3

Alan "Gremlin" Borowski, played by Author #2

David "Halo" Simmons, played by Author #1


Team RWBY and JNPR are on top of a small amount of rubble, fighting a seemingly everlasting horde of Grimm. When they are suddenly about to be overrun.


The same vehicle carrying our three protagonists bursts through, flying midair with Halo holding onto dear life, Seeker at the wheel with a determined look on his face, and Gremlin laughing like crazy as he mounts the MG on the back of the vehicle. They crash into the crowd, causing enough mayhem and confusion as Gremlin lights up the crowd faster than No Russian. Team RWBY and JNPR look at them, confused before they join the fray.


The scene changes to a table with leaders from all over Remnant at a table of some sort, discussing the recent events of an unknown military popping up out of nowhere, with a video of a group of strange aircraft taking down a small fleet of airships playing in the background. A man wearing an Atlas uniform and with white hair all over, yells and demands action, with half of the table agreeing with him. The other half rejects it, wanting to seek diplomacy. While this happens, a man in a general's uniform and black/gray hair, watches the scene unfold around him


The great city of Vale, a once beautiful place, is being stormed by various species of Grimm as they crawl through the city streets. A few groups of huntsmen and huntresses are trying to fight them off but are gradually getting pushed back. Suddenly, tracers from the sky hail down over the horde, cutting them down like grains of wheat with a scythe. They look up to see a passing Osprey fly toward them, guns out as it stops just a meter or two above them. It releases ropes, letting soldiers rappel down. As one soldier bearing a flag of red and white stripes, as well as white stars, lands, he approaches a huntress on the ground and offers them a hand.

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