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Valentine's wound had healed to the point where it was no longer a constant ache. With his newly reclaimed mobility, he found himself swimming laps within the sunken ship.

It was only half a ship, he discovered. It had likely broken apart near the surface, causing the other half to drift and settle a hundred feet or more away. Honestly, he was a bit surprised none of the upper class Aurelian's had claimed the wreck for themselves yet. Usually such convenient vessels were hauled upward to be used as external constructions over high class dwellings.

As he swam, he came across what must've been the captain's quarters. The cot itself was close to disintegration. Small fish darted in and out of the cavities, using the object as an artificial hideaway from predators. The desk had slid out of place during the decent, causing it to be pinned in the back corner with a few drawers partially open, yet inaccessible without freeing the article from its position.

Gripping the back of an overturned chair, Valentine righted it and took a seat. It was a bit difficult because of the heavy list of the ship, but he managed. Everything around him radiated blue because of the blanket of glowing algae. Even so, the space still reminded him of his time on the surface.

He hated to say it, but a part of him missed it. The ocean was supposed to be in his blood, but there was nothing about this place that made him feel like he was home. He missed the warm light and predictability that came from above. More than that, he missed his merchant.

He hoped beyond anything that the assembly gathering shortly would be able to come up with a solid plan. He had a few ideas himself, but they would need all of the help they could get to stand up to his father. Even with what he had in mind, their success rate would be slim, if existent at all. He didn't like thinking about it, but he had to if he had any hope of seeing Wesley again.

Calloway and Andromeda had been grasping at straws when they decided to resurrect him. They were desperate. He could see that. But five hundred pledges was not enough for an insurrection. Five hundred sirens who did not know how to fight was even worse. His job here wasn't just about recruiting more members, that much was obvious. Luckily, his time on the surface had given him some valuable insight on battle strategy. It had, after all, been his job as a pirate captain. He could apply similar tactics to this situation, with some luck.

Deciding he'd had enough of the lonely room, he swam back out to the cargo hold where he and the others would be meeting. When he arrived, Calloway was greeting an older man with a graying beard, long white hair and a tail that fluoresced in bright pinks, purples, and oranges. A pair of matching barbed fins raced along the back of his biceps and forearms, glowing orange and pink as well.

"Ah, Valentine," Calloway greeted him as he swam closer. "This is Elder Leander. He has been monumental in our efforts to garner support from the lower districts."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Valentine was sure to show him respect by ducking his head.

"The pleasure is mine, young man," Leander grinned. "I've heard quite a few stories about you."

"Embellished versions, I'm sure." Valentine smiled politely.

The man hummed in agreement just as a middle aged woman came into the hold.

"Leona," Calloway greeted her. "Welcome."

She nodded curtly, arms crossed over her chest. She appeared to be of a higher class, based on the lack of glowing appendages. Her tail was a deep maroon color and her hair was a honey brown. Valentine didn't get a chance to interact with her before someone else entered.

This one he knew. He'd been a boy last time he'd laid eyes upon him, and in the last six years, he had grown into a proper young man.

"Evander," Valentine said, his tone a bit stiff.

A pair of deep black eyes set upon him, framed by a pale face and a billowing mass of short black hair.

"Brother," Evander said back. "It's been a while. I wasn't sure you'd recognize me."

"The tail is a bit of a giveaway," he said, referring to the shimmering bronze scales.

Evander had grown to look a lot like his mother. His colorations were obviously from the Queen, though the high, sharp cheekbones, straight, narrow nose, and lean frame could also be attributed to her.

Valentine turned accusing eyes toward his mother, who was lurking in the corner of the room, watching them cautiously.

"You didn't tell me the prince was one of your recruits."

"I'm not," Evander said, before she could say anything. "They're mine."

Valentine's eyebrows furrowed. "But I thought you loved father."

"A lot can change in six years," Evander explained. "Especially when we realized he'd been singing to us while we slept in order to manipulate us."

"Seven Hells," Valentine cursed. "Did he really?"

The boy nodded solemnly. "Cordelia was the one who figured it out. She was able to get me out of his influence over time, but it was too late for the twins."

"They're still loyal to him?"

"Deeply," he confirmed. "He doesn't need to sing to them anymore. They've been brainwashed for so long that its just the way they think now. Merrick is first in line to inherit the throne. He will protect it at all cost, as well as father's legacy. Merin is loyal to them both, but if it comes down to it, she won't put up a fight."

"Why not?" Val asked. "When I left she certainly wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty."

"She's pregnant," another voice entered.

A young girl with snow white hair, black irises, and a phantom white tail was the source.


"Hey Val," Cordelia responded to her big brother with a cheeky grin. "I brought you something."

He didn't even get a chance to process his little sister was in front of him again, because when she moved to the side, his heart lurched.




Guys, I made bread for the first time and I fear I may not recover. I am too powerful. I am too full of carbs. I will do this to myself again.

What's your favorite thing to cook for yourself?

See you Tuesday,
-Mora Montgomery

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