new puppy parents-Q.H

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As a new puppy parent, I was beyond excited to welcome Thor, our adorable golden retriever, into our home. My boyfriend, Quinn, and I had spent weeks preparing for this moment, buying all the necessary supplies and puppy-proofing our apartment. We were ready for the responsibility of raising a furry little bundle of joy.

However, as any new parent knows, there are always unexpected challenges. One day, while Quinn was working from home, he noticed Thor chewing on something suspicious. "Ah-ah, do not eat that!" Quinn exclaimed, rushing over to him. It turned out to be one of Quinn's favorite shoes, and he was not pleased.

I could hear the frustration in Quinn's voice from the other room, so I quickly got up to investigate. "What's going on?" I asked, trying to sound calm despite the chaos. Quinn showed me the damaged shoe, and I immediately felt guilty. I had been so preoccupied with work that I hadn't noticed Thor's mischievous behavior.

"Don't yell at him," I said, trying to defuse the situation. "Come here, baby," I cooed, calling Thor over to me. I knew that yelling wouldn't solve anything, and it would only scare our little puppy.

Quinn looked at me sceptically but eventually followed my lead. He sat down next to me and started petting Thor, who was now curled up in my lap. "I'm sorry, buddy," Quinn said to Thor, still a little annoyed. "But you can't just go around eating things that aren't yours."

I nodded in agreement. It was important to establish boundaries with Thor, but it was equally important to do so in a gentle, loving way. I could tell that Quinn was starting to relax as he played with Thor's floppy ears, and I felt a sense of relief.

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