This girl is perfect, Mom,-Q.H

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Quinn was watching us with a huge grin on his face. "This girl is perfect, Mom," he said to Ellen who was sitting watching Luke and her future daughter-in-law play fight

I blushed a little, feeling silly but also a little proud. Quinn had always been so sweet and supportive, and I loved that he appreciated my playful side.

Luke finally let me up, and I retaliated by tackling him to the ground. We rolled around a bit more, laughing and joking the whole time. It was like we were kids again, playing rough and not worrying about anything else.

Eventually, we got tired and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Quinn came over and helped us up, grinning from ear to ear. "That was awesome," he said. "I knew you two would get along."

Luke and I grinned at each other, feeling a little closer than we had before. It was strange to think that just a few hours ago, we'd been strangers, but now we were playing fighting like old friends.

As we all settled down on the couch to watch a movie, I snuggled up next to Quinn, feeling content and happy. His family was so welcoming and warm, and I loved spending time with them.

Quinn put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. "You're amazing," he whispered in my ear. "I love that you're willing to jump in and play with my crazy family."

I smiled and leaned into him, feeling grateful for his love and support. Play fighting with his brothers might have seemed silly, but it was just another way that Quinn showed me how much he cared.

As the movie played on, I felt warm and happy, surrounded by people who loved and accepted me. I knew that life would throw plenty of challenges our way, but at that moment, everything felt perfect.

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