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Whether it’s the creeping monsters that scale your dreams, or the fever that burns in your nightmares, there is always that creature that suffocates you in your waking hours and haunts you in your sleep.

✞Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red✞

That creature comes knocking on your door today. The air is cool, and the sound of the stairs ricketing stirs your attention. The sun sits beneath the surface, and only the moon lets out a crescent of light. Despite the cool air and the dismal weather, you’re inclined to open the door that creaks on its hinges.

It takes only a moment before the door opens on its own, and in, crawls the creature that haunts your dreams. The door creaks as before, and the cold air runs through the room, and feels like a curse settling down on the house.

Ah, but despite this, the creature is inviting you for a chilling affiliation, full of fun and amusement.

The Jenesais Community is always looking for affiliations and will crawl its way to your page if it must.

♱Evil has only the power that we give it♱

The Jenesais Community ¦ Affiliation bookWhere stories live. Discover now