Not so manly-J.H

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Mentions of spiders

As you were washing your facing getting ready for the day, you spotted a black spot on the corner of the bathroom you thought nothing about it and continued on

Until it started moving, you watched it crawl around the wall

"Babe" you yelled backing up from where the spider was "Yes love" Jack rushed into the room

You pointed to the creature on the wall "Oooh hell no uh uh" Jack has never run so fast in his life

He ran out of the room leaving you in there with this thing "Luke" you yelled

"Yes y/n" you again pointed to the spider, he grabbed a shoe and hit the wall killing the creature "Thank you Luke" you gave him a hug

You went downstairs to find Jack curled up to Mama Hughes shaking

"Not so manly are you now Hughes" You smirked he gave you the middles finger "Jack Hughes you do not be rude to y/n especially not after you left her with the spider, now apologize" Ellen spoke sternly to Jack

"sorry my love"  

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