Stanley Cup win-S.C

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(reader is like 18 in this) 

"c'mon, Dad you got this" I whispered under my breath sitting in the stands with my Crosby jersey on watching the final round of the playoffs.

there were 10 seconds left on the clock when Dad scored and soon the horn blared through the arena

"Let's go" I yelled jumping out of my seat and quickly getting my things and running down to the locker room. "hey little Crosby" one of the security guards called out to me

"Hi" I smiled and waved continuing my way to the ice to watch from the tunnel "C'mon little one" My uncle Malkin called from the ice holding out his arms for me so I could walk on the ice safely

I saw my dad with a big smile holding the cup over his head, I was so proud of him and the team. I took a quick photo for my Instagram story then put my phone away to savour the moment.

I let Uncle Malkin lead the way taking me to my other Uncle Letang who pulled me into a tight hug soon my dad skated over to me giving me a kiss on the forehead "Hey princess" Dad whispered to me "hey dad well done on the game-winning goal" I smiled as my dad picks me up and spins me around

"couldn't have done it without you" He whispered and soon carefully took me over to where the team was taking photos

"I don't think I can be in it Dad I'm not a part of the team" I spoke trying to stop my dad from dragging me Stop being silly y/n You're part of this team just as much as all of us," Uncle Malkin said as he came over to us helping my dad drag me

"Okay can we have little Crosby and big Crosby sitting next to the cup," one of the social media girls said so it was me and the cup then Dad took a couple of photos

"you coming to celebrate with us cap?" one of the players asked my dad "Nah I think me and y/n are just going to go home," Dad said "no Dad go have fun I'll be okay at home by myself" Dad gave me a look before agreeing to go out and celebrate with the team 

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