going to fail-N.M

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"I think I'm gonna fail this test!" I yelled in frustration at my desk that I had been sitting at for hours studying for a test I knew I was going to fail

Nolan who was in the kitchen heard me yell and quickly came into our office room to asses the situation he came behind me and spun my chair around to face him

he placed his hands on my knees and knelt on the "That's okay baby! No matter the results you'll pass in my heart always" Nolan Spoke in comfort lacing his voice

once he saw the tears welling up in my eyes he stood up and guided my head to his chest and soon as my head made contact I let out a sob

"Its okay baby, I love you" he whispered in my ear and soon picked me up off the chair and to the bed where he laid down my head still on his chest and just cuddled me rubbing my back

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