cheater pt2-L.H

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warning~ swearing 

"Your brother cheated on me, both of you get out" I yelled through my sobs

"what the fuck Luke" Jack yelled pulling Luke out of the room, Quinn had a look of disappointment on his face and Quinn was just in shock 

"what is all this yelling about" I heard ellens voice just outside of the door "Luke cheated" both boys said at the same time Luke stood there shocked trying to process everything that had just happened in the past 10 minutes 

"Hold on stop, I didn't cheat I mean I did but I cheated on her in her dream and she just blow up at me" Luke explained rubbing his forehead Ellen looked between the boys knowing I was probably near or on my period 

"Boys go downstairs and eat breakfast" she spoke softly watching them walk down the stairs "Y/n/n can I come in " She softly knocked on the door and once she heard a "come in" she walked in she saw my red puffy face 

she pulled me into her embrace "I feel so stupid" I cried into her arms "It's okay" she cooed "Do you have enough supplies, I can always make Luke grab more if you need" I shake my head No we began chatting until we were interrupted by a knock and soon a very cautious luke walked in 

"am I welcomed here or not?" he spoke choosing his words carefully I patted the empty space next to me opening my arms for him "I'm sorry for dream me cheating that was very disrespectful of me," Luke said placing kisses all over my face "all is forgiven just know if it happens again you can take the guest room" I threat but luke knew it was an empty threat 

Luke and I spent the rest of the day cuddling 

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