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"Did you hear the news? That the management is choosing ambassadors to represent the foundation globally." Aayush informed Vaishnavi while proceeding towards their classroom after the break.

"They are choosing ambassadors? Well, good for them." Vaishnavi just shrugged and walked towards the direction of the hallway leading to the room full of students of their age.

"Do you know which grades are going to get the chance to participate?" The annoying boy asked her despite knowing that she was uninterested in the topic.

"Which grades are going to participate, Aayush?" She faked a forced smile at the end of the question looking at the face of the grinning boy next to her.

"The junior college and the other section colleges. This means we can also participate, and audition is mandatory for all." Aayush chirped with excitement and tugged Vaishnavi's sleeves. 

The girl next to him just rolled her eyes and focused on the other students' talks who were present in the corridor.

[Boy, she is so beautiful. Why is she even walking with that lame guy? I am going to propose to her.]

[Shut up! The boy is so handsome and is also best friends with Miss Vaishnavi. Maybe I should try to get close to her.]

[Don't you know? She never interacts with any other person other than her siblings and known family friends. She is quiet of  a preserved person.]  

"You are ignoring me! How dare you!?" Aayush yelled in a whisper tone near her ear, who responded by shifting her head away from her annoying friend. 

"No, I'm not. I was just... Focusing on the stupid talks of these dumb students. You know, they were talking about us. So don't make a fuss of it." Vaishnavi replied with a stern tone, and in return she got a swollen expression from her childhood best friend.

"Why do they build such long corridors, never-ending." Aayush scoffed, feeling offended by the talks of the princess beside him.

"Can't you be humble when you are not interested?" He asked just then and received a confused expression from the girl on his right. 

"How can you expect this?" She said with a shrug.

"Then, I am going to tell everyone out there that you are a princess." He threatened her with a slightly angry face.

"This is the 1,520th time you are threatening me with the same line. And, now, I don't believe in your hollow threats." She said with a slight mockery in her voice. Soon they reached their classroom and took their seats.

The teacher came right after they have seated. All the students settled in their places and greeted the man who just entered the room. And for the next forty minutes, they studied trigonometry. 

After leaving the school ground at the end of the day, Vaishnavi and Aayush went to a different classroom to take Rohan, Anushka and Khushi with them. But Anushka and Khushi were having extra classes, so they were going to stay for another hour. After getting to know this, the trio went towards their homes. 

In the car, Vaishnavi and Rohan talked about how their day went in school and discussed what they studied, as they were in different sections.  

Reaching home, they first informed their mother that Anushka was going to come late that day. They did their daily tasks to get some free time at the end of the day to spend with their family. 

By the time the twins were done with their work, a notification tone buzzed on their phones at the same time. But, their messy study room needed attention first, so they ignored the message and continued their work. After half an hour, when everything in the room was in its place with a flawless floor, they got time to check the information shared.

On brightening up the screen of the black pocket-sized box-shaped gadget, both of them had the same expression, jaw-dropped to the ground. They didn't expect, especially Vaishnavi, that they would get an e-mail from their school saying a mandatory audition for ambassadors' selection.

The fact that Aayush mentioned the news to both of them multiple times was not being ignored by them at the moment. He was the gossip guy of the group, after all. The twins looked at each other's faces with shock and understood not to underestimate the talks of their best friend. 

Within the time of a blink, they both ran downstairs to show the news to their mother, who was busy with some person on a phone call. They saw the face of their elder sister and understood her happiness. She also got the e-mail she had been waiting for.

The reason for the shocked and uncomfortable reaction from the twins was because they didn't want to, let alone become, they didn't want to participate.

When the call which had complied them to wait to talk to their mother ended, without wasting any further time, they shoved their phones in front of her face, causing her to close her eyes due to the sudden brightness.

"What happened!? Remove your phones away from the front of my eyes this instant." Their mother yelled, causing them to flinch and step back with their hands at the back.

"Sorry."  They apologised, but the very next moment, they said in a high-pitched tone in unison, "This matter needs your attention. Your elder daughter is having a fun time after hearing this news, but your twin children are not."

"What's it?" Diksha, their mom, asked.

"There is a compulsory audition for ambassadors held in school and college. Basically, +2 and university or junior college- " Anushka started to explain but was cut short by her mom. 

"I know what +2 or a junior college means. But what's the problem?" She asked again, emphasising the question clearly.

"They don't wanna participate."
"We don't want to participate," Anushka and the twins said in unison, causing their mother to cover her ears from the loud voice.

"But why?" She interrogated because according to her, it was a good thing.

"Because then there will be a huge program of travelling to different places that can be foreign countries also. Which will result in stress, over-burden of cooping up with the syllabus and infinite different things. And all this will happen when we pass, which I am sure one of us will." Vaishnavi explained to the two elder ladies in the house present there.

"So, that's the thing troubling you?" Asked her older sister with a confused expression, not understanding the significance of things in her younger sister's life.

"Yes," Vaishnavi replied with a long exhale of hope. She looked at Rohan, who had his fingers crossed. Both shared a shrug and looked at the two females in front of them, sitting on the couch.

"So, what's the big deal? I know you can turn this hurdle into nonsense." Hearing this from Diksha, Vaishnavi had no boundaries of anger rushing through her veins. None of them was trying to understand their concerns. Hardly had she controlled her outburst her sister added fuel to the fire.

"Ma is right. It's of no use." Hearing this, afraid to be disrespectful towards them, she left from there towards the garden to calm down. Rohan sensing this followed her and the two left behind were looking at each other with confusion.

Little did anyone, except Rohan, in the house know about Vaishnavi's temper. She had to manage it with great difficulty. Because she lost her control barely. Being calm had made a huge misunderstanding among others about her aggressive side.

"What happened?"

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