Ch.28 Challenge 5

422 30 4

A long long time ago.

Dragons and Gods lived in harmony.


And together they ruled and judged the mortal realm.

But one day

From the bottom of the deepest depths

A mutiny began.

Down in the prisons

Dragons and gods thrown down here for the greatest of sins.

And they all agreed.

Why should they stay down here

While the mortals get to libe in the sun.

Why should we higher beings take care and rule over mortals

Should they not bow to us?

Should they not worship us?

Secretly and seperately

The two groups thought

Why should dragons be on equal power to us gods


Why should gods be on equal power to us dragons

So they began to fester in what mortals now call the seven deadly sins

And those 7 sins consumed them.

And finally after thousands of centuries

The equality was broken

The earth quaked

Volcano's exploded

Rivers dried out

Animals ran wild.

Step step

The world could hear the sound of claws grabbing them

And finally

The first human sinned

And the gods and dragons from below were reborn

And they quickly consumed the world

No more equality

People fought for thier rights

No one was equal

The Dragons and Gods above were in a panic

How could this happen

Right under their guardianship.

But what they didn't know then was that. That was the way those reborn prisoners worked

They lived in the shadows of the world. In the darkest depths. So their powers also worked that way.

But finally they made a appearance.

The roamed the world freely now.

The gods and dragons have not yet figured out what to do.

Until a favored human of a god took up a gift the god had given him

And defeated a reborn prisoner

The gods then had the idea.

At the time the first saints were created

Dragons too had a idea.

So they called the only creature in the mortal realm who could reach them.

The elves

And then the dragons grouped them

Gave them a duty

And then told them

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