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Han couldn't believe he was holding Ravenna's hand again. Five years was far too long for him to be away from her. In those five years, Raven definitely looked different, but still had Toretto side. Han missed so much - especially with his daughter.

Letty, Mia, and Elle left Han and Ravenna to reconnect and talk about what happened. "I have so many questions," Ravenna said honestly. Han knew that was coming. "But the first one that comes to my mind is, how'd you know I was pregnant?" Out of all the questions that Ravenna could have asked Han, that was the question she started out with. It was quite a funny story actually. Han laughed at her question. "I know, I know. There are hundreds of other questions that I could have asked, but you protected me from Takashi. Your hand went to my stomach. How did you know?" Ravenna asked.

Han kissed Raven's temple. "When you told me to answer your phone, thinking it was Mia, well it was actually your doctor." Ravenna closed her eyes. "He confirmed the pregnancy right then and there, but I also found your pregnancy tests." Han explained.


"Hey, don't give me that look. You wrote down at your doctor's office that if I answered the phone, they could tell me what was up. I didn't believe them at first. Not until I found the tests." Han said.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"You were mad at me." Raven's expression changed. "I was gonna tell you I knew but then the whole thing between Sean and DK happened. You were mad at me for not defending Sean." Han said as Ravenna remembered what happened.

"Okay, I'll give you that." Han chuckled, pulling Ravenna into his chest. Ravenna's arms draped across his shoulders. "Okay, next question, how do you have pictures of our daughter?" Ravenna asked.

Han looked at Raven, trying to figure out how he was supposed to tell Ravenna that without her getting mad at her own sister. "Mila gave it to me." Han said.

Ravenna nodded, almost like it didn't register with her. Suddenly, Ravenna pushed Han away from her. Raven stood in front of him, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Han didn't repeat himself, he knew Ravenna heard him. "Mila?" Han didn't answer. "Mila. My sister." Ravenna's head was suddenly swimming, "How the fuck did she know?" Raven asked.

"It was an accident," Han rubbed his face. "Um..." He could remember that day like it was yesterday. He had gone to the garage to pick up a couple of things - at that point, Han didn't know that Milena had stayed in Tokyo with Sean and Twinkie instead of going back to California with her sister. Ravenna was gone, Dom was gone so Han thought he was in the clear. What he didn't expect was to see Mila standing in the garage, staring wide-eyed at him as he looked for pictures of him and Ravenna.

As Han told Ravenna what actually happened, she realized Mila was a really good actress because she never hinted once that Han was alive. Every time Raven brought up Han or if JJ brought him up, MIla would play dumb the entire time. She kept Han's secret well, she kept it not just from Ravenna but from Sean too. Han was surprised to say the least that Mila was able to keep her mouth shut for five years.

Now, she didn't know why Han faked his death, she just knew it was to protect Ravenna and the baby. Milena took it upon herself to keep Han updated on JJ, that was why he had pictures of JJ in the apartment. That was also how Han knew where Ravenna lived to send the postcards, flowers, and cards. It was all Milena.

"I can't believe it."

"I'm just surprised she kept her mouth shut." Han said honestly. "But she also kept her relationship with DK a secret from you, so I guess she's better than I thought." Han added.

Ravenna hung her head.

A thought did cross Han's mind. "She knows about me, right?" That was one of Han's biggest concerns. Not that he thought Ravenna would keep his identity away from JJ, but he didn't know if Ravenna told her everything about him or just that her father wasn't around.

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