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Ravenna stood next to Han back in the base once they got the all clear. Ramsey and Tej were working at the computer system, getting the information they needed. "From here, things move quickly. Jakob has all the pieces he needs. Once he activates Aries, all he needs to do is send the signal global." Ramsey said.

"And then there's no stopping 'im, ever." Tej commented.

"He'll have to launch some kind of pirate satellite, something that'll act as an amplifier, infecting other satellites in orbit one by one." Ramsey said.

"So we find him, stop him, and then we get Elle back." Han said.

"Our odds are zero here, Han." Tej said. "Satellite equipment is easy enough to track, but we're not gonna beat Jakob to a launch." He explained.

Ravenna sighed. "But we also can't let Jakob win."

"Which gives us a two-target problem: Jakob on the ground," Ramsey said.

"With his own private army." Mia looked over at Han when she said that.

"And the satellite." Tej added.

"Which can't be hacked. Not remotely. We'd have to do it physically, 50 miles above ground while the satellite is in orbit." Ramsey said.

"Orbit?" Roman questioned.

"We need help." Mia stated. "Otherwise, we have no chance."

Ravenna knew they couldn't ask anyone else. No one would help them, not even Hobbs. Hobbs was far too into his retirement to help them, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't want to get involved in this. "We do it ourselves." The team looked over when they heard Dom's voice. "It's where we've been that got us this far."

"No. No, no, no, no, no," Roman shook his head. "Do y'all not understand? Clearly, y'all don't. 'Cause if you did, you'd be pissin' your pants like a normal person. Orbit. That's outer space. That's another level. What we gonna do? Hijack a space shuttle? Put rockets on our backs?" Roman asked.

Dom let an amused look appear on his face. "That's exactly what we're gonna do."



Mila and Twinkie stood by the command center, comms in their ears to hear from Roman and Tej in the car and Earl and Sean in the plane. Milena couldn't believe what they were getting involved in or what Dom was asking of them, but she knew she needed to help.

"This is ridiculous."

"Tell me about it." Mila said, setting up the computer to make sure everything was up to date.

"I thought you said these guys were cool."

"They are." Mila felt weird defending her family, but right now, she was questioning Dom's logic. "Tej and Roman are smart people, I doubt anythin' will go wrong." Milena hoped to God nothing went wrong or two lives would be floating around in space. "Good thing we have buddies in space exploration." Milena added.

"Yeah," Twinkie rolled his eyes. "Just gotta tell 'em, look out for the car that's just floatin' around with two black dudes inside. That's gonna be a fun conversation." Twinkie said.

"Four minutes to launch."

"Remind me again, why aren't you up there?"

"I'm afraid of heights." Mila said. "And planes." Yeah, Milena still had anxiety attacks in planes, even if she knew what was happening. She tried her hardest not to fly unless completely necessary, like flying to California or the DR to see her family. After the Shaw thing, Mila hated airplanes.

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