Ananya: All set for the adventure

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It's been a month since that incident. Advik has been expelled from school on the grounds of malicious behaviour. I am sure Avinash is involved in it. Heck, man has powerful business ties since he manages paramount part of business alongside his Dad. And let me tell you, the cold hearted Avinash has been the sweetest boy on this planet I've met so far. From calling everyday and talking with each other about every minor detail of the day, he has been a major source of my happiness. 

Anyways, we're leaving for Manali trip tomorrow and I'm on cloud nine!! I've waited for such trip for whole twelve years of school life.

"Ananya make sure to pack that warm jacket and extra pair of woollen gloves." mom spoke entering my room. 

"And take a very good care of yourself beta, enjoy and make a lot of memories, we'll miss you" dad joined mom as he came behind her.

"Arre don't make me emotional now" I said as both of them engulfed me into a loving family hug. 

<Time skip: Morning 6 am>

Here we are, gathered around buses in groups  ready to leave for a memorable, wonderful and probably our last school trip. 

"I can't tell you HOW EXCITED I AM!!" Arshiya squealed 

"BROS THIS TRIP IS GOING TO BE LIT!!" Khushi was excited as hell too.

I was happy as well but my eyes were wandering around, searching for a particular human.

"He's not accompanying us." Tushar whispered from behind as I nearly got a heart attack from his sudden voice. 

His words sank in as I realised what he just spoke, the actual fuck, my smile instantly dropped as I was the verge to literally cry. He had promised he would. 

"Ananya, are you okay?" Khushi asked out of concern as I just nodded.

"Hey guys, had a last minute meeting to handle" Avinash spoke approaching towards me as my eyes again lit up at the sight of him approaching towards me. He instantly noticed change in my mood as he asked,

"Wassup bub? All cool?" 

damn his nicknames and these butterflies

"Yes, yes, let's leave, shall we?" I spoke as my foot tripped due to open shoe lace, but luckily got caught by Avinash.

"Are you okay? Hold on" He spoke as he bent down to tie my shoe laces, 

"Now you won't fall" he spoke giving an endearing smile.

Too late, I already fell for you human.

"WTF am I even thinking, Ananya you and your hopeless romantic mind" I thought to myself as my hand was grabbed by Avinash as he gently pulled me towards the bus. 

"So, me,  Ananya and Khushi will sit on three seater, you and Tushar can go for the two seater beside us" Arshiya declared.

I glanced at Avinash who was already looking at me. Our eyes held sadness. 

"I need window seat, I need to post stories" Khushi spoke as Avinash lazily nodded. 

"Why do these monsters ruin our moments together?" Avinash whispered close to my ear enough to send chills down my spine.

"Me and Ananya will sit together" Avinash spoke out of the blue

"And why so?"Khushi spoke raising an eyebrow at him

"P-project, we are working on a business project together and we need to discuss it." I spoke defending him as three of our friends nodded with smirk.

"Which project buttercup?" Avinash spoke staring deep into my soul.

I was about to answer as my phone rang. 

"Yes sir,  I'll make sure, yes, no worries." I spoke cutting the call. I was directed to manage this group of students who were in my bus, ofc being Head of Tourism comes with responsibility. 

"Everyone is requested to maintain discipline, no nuisance shall be tolerated, and let's have a memorable trip." I spoke as I sat down beside Avinash.

"Do you know I've loved school trips and this is like super emotional one since it's our last school year" I spoke as he nodded with a bright smile. 

"I know, would you like to watch this series?" He asked handing me an AirPod as I gladly accepted. Not even five minutes into the episode and light snores were audible from seat beside me. I saw him sleeping peacefully as I stroked his hair, gently intertwining his hand with mine.  He looks so adorable right now, who would say this human has extreme anger issues. These are the moments I've longed for, I recall our last movie together. 

You have such an unexplainable effect on me. 

He was still in deep slumber as gasps were heard, not soon enough as he woke up annoyed.

"You both are really cute together" Khushi spoke wiggling her eyebrows

"So this is the business project" Arshiya joined her too.

"Avinash how does your Dracula type personality vanish around Ananya?" Tushar asked

"You know I am good at boxing and I wouldn't mind giving you a demo right here." Avinash spoke annoyed. 

"Acha bro fine, we'll give you privacy but ice cream treats on you." Tushar and Arshiya spoke in sync

"I'll buy you fucking factory of those" he muttered as I laughed at his statement. 

It's evening, we're close to Manali already!

Heyya cherries!!

Back after so many days, but now I'll make sure to post regularly!

Drop down your favourite part, I'm looking forward to  reading your comments and make sure to follow in order to never miss any update :D

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