The Rajput Family

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The Rathore family soon reached the mansion to which they were invited. The cream coloured huge building stood there with pride, beaming with radiant lights decorated on it. Aditya lent his hand out to Diksha to walk together towards the entrance while the children went behind them. 

Not to mention that they had been to many such events earlier; nothing fascinated them, but to keep the honour, they smiled while walking on the carpet on the floor to welcome them. Not many people were seen around, only a few helpers. 

Seeing all this, one thing was sure this was a private event and, as they said before, a family dinner. Seeing nothing amusing, Vaishnavi frowned. The surrounding was quiet silent on their walk towards the house. The long walkway had to be covered on foot because the car was not allowed inside for some reason. 

 Seeing the upset reaction of his sister, Rohan tilted his head towards her direction as he spoke in a low voice, "Seems like nothing special to catch your attention."

Vaishnavi glared at him. Seeing her reaction, Rohan laughed while she kept walking, ignoring him as if she didn't know him. All this act caught the attention of Anushka, the older child of the family. She didn't get along as well with the twins as there were.

Looking at their silent bickering, she chuckled a little. Not to forget that they weren't in their territory to do as they wished, the teenagers showing etiquettes walked silently. The main gate of the mansion neared with each step they took, and so did Vaishnavi's discomfort. 

Not being fond of visiting some strangers' houses, her anxiety slowly crept in. Phobic of getting insulted, she had always been trying to keep her mouth shut in public places, especially in front of some unknowns. 

"Welcome, Hukum." The PA of the owner, who was waiting for them at the door, greeted them and forwarded his hands towards the now-open door. The Rathore couple nodded their heads while Diksha slightly side-eyed her children.

"Khumma Ghani, uncle." The siblings greeted with adjoined hands to the person standing on the door.

"Ghani Khumma, young master and young misses'." He also greeted them in his professional tone with adjoined hands. 

Reaching the hall, there stood the Rajput couple with wide smiles on their faces. As they neared their sight view, one could tell that they had been smiling for a long time. Not to forget that the Rathore couple were also with them, talking with smiles on their faces. 

The children came near them as the maid who led the way took her leave silently, with her head bowed. Vaishnavis' and Anushkas' brows ceased as they took a remembrance of where they saw this couple. Meanwhile, Rohan looked calm as he didn't even remember a single ounce of who he met a few days ago.

"Come, children. Do you remember us?" Mrs Rajput showed a little enthusiasm as she walked towards Vaishnavi past the other two young Rathores. Seeing Mrs Rajput advance towards her, Vaishnavi furred her brows. 

"Sorry, Mrs... err. I don't think I remember if we have met before. My apologies." Vaishnavi said in a tender tone, which no one could ignore.

 "Oh my! Such a tender voice. And good etiquette. There's no need to apologise. I truly understand why you won't remember meeting us. It was such haste at that time." Mrs Rajput went on with the flow without caring if the older siblings were getting hurt by her words. Vaishnavi feigned a grin after noticing her sister's expression, which Mr Rajput observed.

"Now, now. Won't you show them around? And where is our beloved son? Make him step out of his room and introduce him to them." Mr Rajput spoke to Mrs Rajput to divert her from the topic.

"Of course, why not? Come, children. Let me show you guys around. Come." Mrs Rajput said with a wide smile and moved forward but not before calling on a helper to invite her son downstairs to join the dinner.

"Why are you children still standing there? Come on. We'll have fun." Mrs Rajput spoke like some neighbour Aunty who had known them for years. She wasn't showcasing like some woman from a royal family.

They followed Mrs Rajput after asking their parents for permission, which was given by a little nod from Diksha.

"This way is the dining hall and......" 


 "You want me to be near her, why? I don't want her around or in my life." The person yelled at the lady on the other end of the call. 

"You need not to yell. Listen, kid. You do not have any idea what will happen if you keep on refusing to meet her. You will encounter her. Sooner or later. Better, it is this way or that." She calmly explained the predicament he was in as she talked.

"What's expected of me? Kneel before her and call out, 'Hey! I feel a particular affinity for you.' You want me to ask her, 'Will you marry me?' kind of things?" The child attempted to avoid appearing rude to the woman he was chatting to, but he repeatedly used an increased voice.

"You should not go to the higher step so soon." The woman replied with a little laugh in her voice.

"So you want me to ask her that?" The boy asked in a childishly serious tone. 

"You will see yourself if you do it or not." The elder said in a mischievous tone. A smile bloomed on her face as she heard him talk about marriage.

"I won't, and I guarantee it." The teenager said firmly, playing with the rubric cube in his hands.

"We'll see that." The lady said with a scoff which was heard by the person on the other end of the line, and he changed the topic.

"But how am I supposed to know that it's her?" He asked in a low voice. 

"I see. Someone is taking an interest." She teased him, to which he immediately refused, "No, I'm not just genuine curiosity, you know." 

"A tingle sensation." She said, and the call was cut in the middle automatically. 

"What?" He asked about the deadline in confusion.


"What happened to my son, doctor?" Abhishek asked the family doctor who was inspecting his son's condition.

"As I said before, Mr Metha, it's rather unusual. The machine is not catching what's happening." The doctor said as he fixed his glasses on his nose and looked at the report again. 

The mother was crying uncontrollably, seeing her son's condition. Khushi was unable to digest what just the doctor said. It was just a high fever, right?

Khushi was perplexed as she looked at Aayush's phone, wondering why Aayush was trying to call Vaishnavi at that hour. The question consumed her mind; exasperated by her inability to find a reasonable explanation, she snarled in displeasure, which no one noticed because everyone became preoccupied with Aayush.

Calling someone this late had never been his habit. Though it was still the beginning of nightfall, Aayush had always felt awkward to call someone after dark. Knowing her brother well, she started to scan his phone history: which was wrong, but she let her curiosity have the best of her.

Finding nothing related to what the wild part of her brain was thinking, she turned the screen off and stared at the ceiling. Tears found their way to her eyes as she sobbed a little and let fresh salty drops slide all the down to her collarbone and disappear into her clothes. 

Closing her eyes, she prayed to god for her brother's well-being. And the fact that he attempted to call someone was still in her thoughts while she slept in a sitting position with her head rolled back, receiving support from the bench.

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