Chapter 1

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It was another cold day in the isolated Village in the Mountains of Romania, the followers of the Black God continued to live their lives isolated from the rest of the world by the word of their saint and religious leader, Mother Miranda, the people would sometimes cast fearful gazes up toward the castle that loomed high over the collection of simple houses and farms.

The Castle was the ancient home of the Dimitrescu Family, and is currently the home of Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and her four children, currently Lady D's oldest child, her Son (Y/N) Dimitrescu was walking through the dungeons of Castle Dimitrescu holding his Wand on one hand and an open book in the other, his Honey-Gold eyes reading the page carefully and getting ready to perform the needed Wand movements to cast this Spell.

"Let's see, the Wand movements are simple enough, this Castle needs some repairs after all this time" (Y/N) said absentmindedly as he walked through the stone hallways that were lit by candles or torches set on the walls.

However, he stopped when he heard the sound of wet snarling ahead of him, he took his eyes off of the page of his book and looked ahead as a figure stumbled out of the darkness, they had a female figure and wore Brown, blood stained rags that covered most of their body, the exposed skin was pallid and pale, and clutching an old Longsword in it's claw-like hand.

(Hm, one of the Moroaica, they come when one of the Maids perish while their blood is drained, they do well as expendable guards against any intruders foolish enough to intrude down here...) (Y/N) thought to himself as he watched the Female creature shamble closer, he frowned as the creature looked up at him, it's dark eyes glittering in primal hunger from under it's ragged hood, the Moroaica's face was disfigured and Bat-like with sharp fangs replacing their once Human teeth, designed for sawing into flesh and allowing the creature to feast upon the blood of their victims.

A silence stretched on as (Y/N)'s gaze locked with this creature's own, he knew that the Moroaica wouldn't dare attack him, so he showed no fear or caution toward this disfigured creature as he stepped past it and continued on his way to the Castle's Holding Cells.

After a while (Y/N) stopped at a section of the dungeon's wall, the wall had collapsed here making an opening to the surface, allowing snow to fall into the lower level of the Castle, he quickly opened the book back to the page and resumed reading and looking at the Wand movements.

He lifted his gaze from the pages of the book and glanced around the dark room, the smell of decades or centuries of dust, dirt and dampness filled his nostrils, as well as the metallic smell of both old and freshly spilled blood.

His Mother would often times send people down to the dungeon, usually Maids that would make mistakes such as opening the windows around his Sisters or spilling his Mother's special Wine, or Black God forbid they have the gall to try and steal from them.

The young man moved some of his long, Black hair out of his vision and aimed his Wand toward the hole in his home.

"Alright... Reparo!" (Y/N) said as he waved his Wand in the specified manner, he then watched with contained interest as he saw the snow lift up along with the many bricks and mortar, the snow was forced back outside and the bricks were fixed back into place, soon enough, the wall was repaired to the point it looked as if it had never collapsed.

(Y/N) smiled to himself that he had managed to fix this place up, he would practice with the dungeons first and move onto repairing the broken parts that are being lived in at night, when the maids are asleep, after all he didn't want to risk getting in trouble for using Magic in front of Mortals.

He then walked further along the Castle's Dungeons, repairing any damage he found, collapsed or broken down walls and doors, as well as any broken torture devices that his mother used to bleed people out.

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