Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A witch, roaming around the market, eyed an egg dumped in the corner of a street.

“These would be good enough for at least five days,” she thought as she picked the unusually large egg, tenfold of its original size, up.

Enthused by such luck, the witch hurried home to treat herself with some fillet.


Expecting only a big yellow yolk and its whites, the witch was greeted instead with a creature wrapped in a thin film of fluid.

A creature with scaly skin, a tail, a jagged jaw with rows of teeth, and spinal nodes running down its back.

The beast wriggled inside the egg, forcing the shell to collapse completely.

Unable to comprehend the situation, the witch simply stared blankly at it.


Only then did it occur to her that the beast was none other than a dragon: a legendary creature that appeared briefly during the days of the Old Goblin Era and disappeared since then. Now, merely a decoration at the back of an encyclopedia.

There are numerous stories about how yolks and egg whites of a chicken egg explode from within; it can also happen to quails. Such things are common knowledge.

But who would believe a story of a person who, upon cracking open an egg, encounters a baby dragon instead?


Park Noah. Isn’t it the name of a commoner? Ironically, her life was not at all ordinary.

She had been sucked into a novel, caught in a romance fantasy of another world. When she died from overwork, she wandered into a different world. The knowledge of the world and of the body she occupied instantly assimilating into her own.

She became the supporting character in the novel—a villain born solely to indulge in evilness. The witch’s name is Eleonora Asil. However, despite being powerful enough to surpass the world’s strongest position, her sovereignty soon plummeted as the protagonists defeated her.

Eleonora, who hid against her enemies, unfortunately, died without anyone knowing, which means that Park Noah, who reincarnated as the witch, will take responsibility for Eleonora’s actions.

However, wanting to live as she pleases, the new Eleonora had no intention, by all means, to be involved with the novel’s plot, which she had managed to do for the last two years.


“Why did this little dragon have to appear before me?” she muttered.

The beast, unfit to be food, was washed clean and wrapped in a blanket. Distraught, Noah could only look at the dragon desperately flapping its wings.

The witch let out a deep sigh.

The dragon was supposed to be the pet of the heroine, and also Eleonora’s death.

According to the plot, the heroine, Lenia, was to pick up the egg and imprint on the dragon that came out of it.

Instead, the witch had broken the egg first.

Park Noah clicked her tongue, in deep thought of what to do with the lost beast. “Why did you come to the wrong person, child?” I’d better return the dragon, right? How ironic. I didn’t want any involvement from this.

The next day, Noah sent the dragon, safely wrapped in a blanket inside a cage, to the capital by special delivery. The recipient, the heroine, Countess Lenia Valtalere. The sender, of course, unknown.

I Raised A Black DragonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora