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Sauntering my soggy foot, step by step through the empty corridors , as glimpses of moonlight drizzled through the windows that were ornated with worn-down laced curtains that had left multiple forlorn silhouettes behind on the blood stained carpet.

Darn it Michiko, She had left me to rot and decompose in the dungeon, and I had to crawl through some filthy and abominable sewers for who knows how long, it was heinous! When the match started the sky was clear and lucid, but it seems to me now, it's approximately nearing midnight already.

And I'm now lathered up in who knows what kind of dirty water, and my shoes are all damp, whilst abandoning a trail of wet prints on the carpet, I hope it dries up by tomorrow morning, otherwise I'll have to do some major cleaning and transform myself into a janitor.

I'd rather if she had tied me up to the rocket chair before exiting with Helena.

The frigid breeze of the wind howled and I was alone in the hallway, as the darkness of the night dribbled through, so did my sight, I couldn't see anything, not even faint silhouettes as the moon was now draped over with cloths and layers of grey mist, it was as if I was myopic.

It's been quite a while now, I'm supposed to be in bed cosy, and smothered up in the tenderness of my sheets. Yet, I've lost my direction in this mansion, letting the cold wind devour me, as my endeavour to retrograde to my room diminished like dust.

I was lost completely, with my fingers all crooked up like a hollow and bent beartrap that wasn't able to encapsulate their victim, but instead I was just freezing. Perhaps I should settle by a doorstep and hope someone I know opens that door or wait until dawn comes around to navigate back to the survivor's manor. I don't have a match tomorrow anyways , so I guess it'll be fine.

How did I even end up in this ordeal situation..

Miss.Nightingale should've made a map for simpletons like me, however considering that this is my first time escaping through the dungeon, maybe I'm supposed to learn to get used to it. Plus making a map with directions for a fellow lost survivor would be a waste of resources.

Maybe instead of just laying on the cold floor and doing nothing, I should try being productive.

Rummaging through the suitcase, I found a small matchbox, how convenient, if only I knew I had it there earlier then I can use it to head back to my room, but my jelly legs are too frail to walk and my noodle arms are refusing to move an inch now, might as well stay here.

I lit the match up gingerly, holding the match closely, as the gold gleam of the warm flame reflected upon my face, focusing on polishing the lacklustre stone I was working on earlier.

It was all silent, and all still, until I noticed a faint beaming of harsh light like a glaring eye emerged ahead of me, levitating in mid air.

"Don't come near me! I don't know what you are, but don't come near me!" I yelled as my voice ricocheted through the empty corridor retrograding a few steps back to far away from the hollow eye that was bluntly scowling at me.

"Y/n, is that you?" said a familiar voice, "Edgar?" The enigma glowing beam from the lantern had turned into fireflies that enlightened my hopes in returning to my room and finding my way back.

Edgar, oh my paladin.. I'll do anything to repay you from saving me in this dark scary ass abysmal cavern , thank god you came around, or else I'd really be staying here till six in the morning.

"Oh my lord, Y/n you're drenched in water! "

"How'd you even end up here, Y/n, this is like the most isolated part of the manor," he asked, gripping tight on the old-fashioned lantern, as his other was clenching on my briefcase.

What a gentleman..

"Well.. I escaped through the dungeon in Leo's memory, and I kinda couldn't find my way back, thank goodness you came around, why are you here anyways?"

"Oh well, it was supposed to be Norton's night shift, however he's been refusing to take his shifts lately , so I'm here to replace him," the painter smiled softly.

Poor Edgar, how could Norton run off like that.. Now Edgar has to take his shift, I bet that sluggard would have casually ambulate through the corridors half-heartedly and head back to his room immediately to sleep, only Edgar would spend time to actually fill every floor gaps of the manor with scrutiny, if Edgar isn't the most laudable man of the manor, I don't know who is.

As Edgar rattled the doorknob, the chattering of magpies grew louder, until I was revealed safe and sound, right next to the painter.

"Oh Edgar," Vera eyed me winking a bit, clapping her hands against each other, " You've brought my daughter back, how lovely,"

"You're finally back!" Martha beseeched pulling me into a tight hug,

"Well, if there isn't anything then I'll go now," the painter exclaimed, "actually-" but before Fiona could finish, I slapped my hand belligerently against her mouth and bid my goodbyes as she struggled under my tong-like grip.

Finally, setting my hand free when the painter exited the room, " Y/n is boy crazy now, You abused me because of a dumb painter!".

"He's not dumb! He's artistic and so...charmistamic," I exclaimed, floundering in the thought of him,

"Look! You've gone all heart eyes because of him,"

"I can say the same for you and Eli!"

"But I'm obviously a better option than Edgar, if you fell in love with me, it'd be understandable," The priestess smirked, clapping her hand on her chest.

"YOU CAN'T EVEN PAINT, CAN YOU PAINT? CAN YOU PAINT?" I spat out of my mouth like an immature four year old.

"I didn't know you had a paint fetish, geez" Martha cooed in giggling,

"Yeah, I heard a rumour that Edgar is in love with Luca,"

"If it's true then Y/n can have both Luca and Edgar,"

"Oh my god shut up!"

"More the merrier!"

" Y/n You owe us! We waited for you here for several hours!"

And then we all threw into a fit of laughter.

A Norton Campbell x Reader (identity v)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin