Chapter eighteen

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"Are you fucking serious right now?" I shout heading towards Hades. "Having your pack surround and possibly attack us while you are the reason I'm here. What is wrong with you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'll have you know that all my members are accounted for, so don't accuse me. Just so you know some rogue don't live in my territory."

I'm sure everyone knew of the situation, cause I could see they were in high alert. Alphas and betas were talking most likely making a strategy to run or protect.

"Rogues can never be trusted, I wish I knew you were planning this. I should have never come here with you."

"Tell all the pack warriors and members to be vigilant. The ball was a ploy, we are surrounded here. Make sure that the border to Hade's pack  has more people."  I mind linked Zoey.

"Okay right on it, please stay safe. Take care."

"I will."

"Believe it or not, I have nothing to do with this. I'll have them take rounds and see whose not there," Hades turned from definitely making a call.

"Everyone silence. I'm sure you've all heard of the situation at hand. Please remain calm, I have warriors around my territory. It's bound by magic and will hold for a while. Kindly follow all protocols."

"Your granddaughter did this. If she hadn't come with Hades all would be well." Some person shouted," she's the traitor to her own people."

"Shut the fuck up, I don't have to explain myself to you," I shouted at her. I'm done dealing with these people.

"Look at that, you don't even take responsibility for your actions. You're not fit to be alpha." I can tell she's from River wave. This pack just loved to rile me up.

I looked at her and wished to break her bones. As if by some force, she started screaming and fell down. I heard a bone break, as if my wish was been granted.

"Stop," someone whispered next to my ear. Next thing I know, I'm been dragged away.

"What was that?" I hadn't even noticed that Hades was the one who dragged me. "You can do magic?"

"I can't talk to you right now," I went to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Let me go."

"No, you have to believe me," I was getting tired to people not listening to me.

He let go of my hand when I wished it burned. "The fuck, what is wrong with you?" He winced them took of his gloves. His hands started healing and the burnt marks went away.

"I told you to let go."

"Fuck, can you just listen to me. I'm not the only one who has rogues. For a while now, I've been hearing that Demitris has been recruiting lone wolves and rogues. That's all I know." He kept inspecting his hands.

"I wasn't really trying to hurt, I just hate how everyone at this ball is getting on my nerves."

"So you do magic?"

"Somehow, I just wish things and they happen. I didn't know but after Xander went missing, weird things started happening to me."

"Ooh, Xander." I looked at him and noticed the uncomfortable expression on his face. I shouldn't be talking about my mate to Hades.

"Let's go back, don't want them thinking we are conspiring something."

Together with Hades we went to leave grandpa's  office, when we heard screaming from the other room and I was ready to exit.

MY 18th BIRTHDAY (BOOK ONE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora