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Lilith's pov—

I wake up to my alarm blaring a practical siren in my ear. I sat up collecting my thoughts joining reality again. "That was a strange dream." I say to myself trying to remember what happened but it quickly turned into a blur the more I thought about it.

I got up walking into my bathroom taking a look at myself in the mirror, I didn't look like myself almost like my body was deforming right in front of me. I rub my eyes trying to get a better view and I wake up.

"Hey!" I hear jayson yell pulling the covers off my bed. "Wake up." He said running and slamming the door. I hit my alarm. "What the fuck." I sigh to myself pulling myself back to my senses.

I got up into the bathroom but stopped before I opened the door. "Please please please.." I whispered to myself before looking into the mirror. I sighed, "okay." I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Today I wanted to straighten my hair so I pulled out the straightener and sectioned out my hair. It took a few hours, I woke up at 5:30 and I was done by 7:56 school starts at 8:25.

I picked and outfit out, a cropped white tee, black lagging with a jacket. I put the necklace and earring Jade gave me on. I grabbed my bag, wallet, and keys and made my way down stairs.

"Goodmorning." My mom said. "Goodmorning." I said grabbing the piece of toast that just popped shoving it into my mouth and running out the door. I shut the door and walked out to see jade in my drive way.

I walk up to her car and she rolls down her window, I lean in and rest my arms on her window. "You look gorgeous." She said. "I basically turned into and old lady in my dream." I said walking around and getting into the car.

"You turning in to a who what huh?" She asked me. "Idk I can't really recall what exactly happened all I know is that it didn't feel normal." I said situating my self and buckling. She started the car turning on some music and drove us to school.

My locker was on the other side of the hallway next to the restroom. Horrible place, just horrible. I grabbed the books I needed for Chemistry and kept the rest of my things in my locker.

I walked over to jaded locker and hit it. She quickly popped her head. "Again?" She asked laughing. "Yeah yeah." I say rolling my eyes. Man and this time I hit it with my hand. Ouch.

She got her stuff, she was more quiet than usual. "Hey is something up?" I asked breaking the silence. "Huh, what?" She asked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing, why?" She asked. "It seems like somethings wrong.." I said. "Weird." She said.

Today is weird.

We were about to turn the corner when I pulled her into the supply closet. "Wha-" I cut her off kissing her, she wrapped her hands around my body by then quickly pulled away. "What's up with you?" She asked. "What up with me? What up with you? God today is so weird, what is happening." I walked out of the supply closet and she followed after me.

"God I swear is this a dream too?" I mumbled to myself. "The vibes are so off, omg something bass going to happen I can feel it." I said before Jade shut me up. "Hey. Relax alright let's just take a breath.. don't over think alright." She said. I sighed. "Your right, ok let's get to class." I said.

The went by but nothing felt right I've tried my hardest not to think to deep into it but it's racking my brain. I get a call in the middle of my English class. "Turn off you phone." The teacher said. "It's and emergency can I take it outside?" I asked. "Quickly." The teacher said.

I got outside the class room and picked up the phone.
"I need you to listen carefully okay."
"Your brother is in the hospital-"
"He- he's fine, he got a concussion I don't know a lot of the details but-"
"Wha- what do you mean he he got a concussion? This makes no sense- I knew something wasn't- I'm coming to the hospital."
"Okay please be safe."

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