becoming each other's family 101

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"You don't have to do this. You can still say no and I'd be okay with it," Karthik stated, blocking the entrance with his big arms and his muscled frame.

Anjali sighed, crossing her arms and slotting them just beneath the curve of her breasts. Karthik's eyes followed and she tucked in a smile. She knew how to handle this situation.

"I am okay with it. I want to be here," she said and then leaned in to whisper in his ears, "In exchange, take me out somewhere. Somewhere we could be alone. Somewhere you can do this without thinking." Anjali grabbed his hand and kissed his palm before sliding it to her breasts.

Karthik snatched his hand away, his face red. "What are you doing? That too standing right in front of the house. What if someone sees?"

"I'll tell them that I don't have a problem with it so what the fuck is theirs?" She shrugged.

Karthik shook his head in disbelief and then gave her a reprimanding look. "But still... God, Anjali. You can't just do that!"

"When did I start listening to you? Oh wait, I didn't," she said, sticking her tongue out at him. Karthik wanted to just haul her up his shoulders and take her to his room to show her what were the consequences of being such a troublemaker. The worst part was that he knew she'd entertain the idea more than him.

"So, are you going to let me in? Or do I need permission to do that too?" she asked.

Karthik sighed and moved to the side so that she could sashay her way in with a smug look on her face.

The maid's son had gotten into an accident so she had taken an extended leave. Karthik was able to manage without her for a few days but it was too difficult. He had to go to a town four hours from Misayur to pick up some fertilisers and he'd been postponing it for a week. He didn't know what he should do about Tanya and his mother. He had been talking to Anjali about it last night and she had rung him at five in the morning today and asked him to open the door.

She showed up in a fucking tight red kurta with a black collared neck and black leggings. The matching dupatta was just for show. Karthik saw right through her when the fabric hung on her arm carelessly instead of covering her chest. She was testing him. Fucking with him. Punishing him.

All because he'd told her he could resist her until their marriage. Anjali had laughed until she realised that he was serious about not having sex until marriage. Then she'd bet that he wouldn't last. Being sexually dormant for a decade gave him the confidence to accept the bet.

Biggest mistake he made.

He clearly didn't know what he was getting into. Karthik watched her as she used the kitchen as if it was her own. "Shouldn't you be taking a shower right now?" she asked, as she stirred the tomato curry Karthik was in the middle of making.

"Yeah, I'm just..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking around like he was the stranger in his house.

"Can you give me a list of the things I'll have to do? I wrote down a few but it feels like I'm missing a lot," she said, walking toward Karthik. "I'll make breakfast and clean up the kitchen. Take breakfast to your mother and make sure he has her meds. I'll wake Tanya by 9? Is that too late?"

"Um, she wakes up at 8:30 but if she wants to sleep in, that's fine."

"Okay. After breakfast, I can keep Tanya occupied. I know how to take care of her. I'll help your mother with going to the bathroom and her meals, of course. But is there anything specific I should know?"

Karthik couldn't think of anything. Well, except the fact that he could cry. What Anjali was doing for him was so flattering and heart warming that he could be thankful for it forever. Anjali took his silence as an answer.

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