❄️Machine Heart: A Story Of Mystery And Intrigue❄️

65 4 2

Thoughts: I'd read the prologue and am sucked into what this town has where people have to be at a particular hour. To me, it just sounds like witchcraft altogether, like you need to be in or somebody or something is going to harm you to me that just sucked me right in. The detail is descriptive. The Narrative is beyond fabulous, like it puts you in that state of suspense, wondering what happened—wondering if you will ever find out what happened to this girl. I had chills reading that prologue. It was beautifully written. It started so original. I love stories like this because the originality of the story is what makes for a good story. As the author keeps you on your toes, and it's just the prologue.
You don't think a prologue can do that, but writing a perfect one can make the reader's mind go haywire. And that's what my mind is doing, like, what happened to this girl? Why did she not make it home in time, and what took her if she was just inches away from her door? Is she alive, or is she dead? There are so many good questions that I have. Makes a great story. The author is at a great start to the story. It's very knowledgeable. It's very much like a mystery. It tells you that you know certain people come up missing, like the poor, but the wealthy will learn the rules. It's fascinating to find out what is in this city and why some people come up missing, but others don't. I'm not saying anything wrong about it. It makes me question, putting so many good questions into my head about this story and where it's going. The author did such a fantastic job with this story, and it's just the beginning of the story, so I like that because if it can keep me wanting more and it just started, that means that throughout the story, it will be a fantastic read. The author should be pleased with the results they're getting. Why is it not getting a lot of READS? I would say that the cover isn't the best cover; they could get a better cover, something that pops and represents the mystery story. But besides that, I do not understand why the story isn't getting more reads. It's fantastic. The authors should be very proud of themselves.

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷

Percentage: 100%

Chapter I read:2

Recommend yes/ no? Yes

Summary of book

Set in an alternate universe inspired by the Victorian era and steampunk genre, Machine Hearts follows the stories of two young people as they search for answers in a city filled with secrets. Crime, lies, and injustice must be brought to light as they discover the truth about their world and are forced to make some of the most difficult choices they've ever faced. Will their lives ever be the same?


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