Snow Rainy Day

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"Ameri,remember when I said that the Oured HQ is suck?Yeah,I will take back those words,this is even better than my home"

Trigger lay on the bed inside the airport hotel,buried his face into the white clean sheets and pillow.When they landed on the runway of the airport,or even sooner than that,when they first saw the city from their planes,it already looked so promising.

"Snowy spring,this is the first time I see this"

Mobius sat on the chair,gazing upon the harbor of the city.After the blizzard,a coat of cold snow still present at every surface facing the sky,covered Vladivostok in the color of white.If not for the calendar showing the month of March,everyone could thought that Christmas eve is coming.Suddenly,she felt a sense of nostalgia,although in Usea,except for the northern part of the continent,snow doesn't fall,especially for a near-equator people like her.

"Must be the effect of watching too many cartoons"-she thinks-"What about Oured?The city must be way colder than it did in our world"

"Ameri,are you okay with this?"-Long Caster opened the door,breaking the girl out of the random thoughts-"Sharing a room is hard,but I forgot to inform the HQ that we've one female pilot,so I guess that this is my fault then."

"No problem,if he has any intention,his heels shall be outdoor this evening.Beside,I trust him as my loyal wingman"-Mobius poke at Trigger's foot-"Right"

"Yeah,and that is annoying,madam"



"Okay,then 7PM is the time for dinner,and you could spend your day in the city before that,James,go somewhere,don't be such lazy,it would be a waste if you decided to use all of your two weeks vacation to just sleep,get up"

"Yeah,I get it"

"And remember,this is a captured city,do not let them know that you're military officers,any suspicion could push our force into danger,okay?"

"Alright,we aren't kid"

15 minutes later,outside of the dorm

Mobius walks outside with more than two heavy coats covering 2 more sweaters,of course with an extra hat and socks.The climate looks beautiful,only from the inside,where a heater could make them comfortable enough to enjoy the scene,and the deadly cold wind cannot blow into their face thanks to the windows.The moment Mobius take her first step out of the door of the hotel,the girl has finally understand what is a true winter:


"If you can't go then we can go back inside"-Trigger comes to her side,he only has one medium-size coat,making the size of two people almost the same despite the height of Trigger.


"Okay,then,hey Leonardo,do you want to go with us"-Trigger asked the former Emmerian pilot,who is chilling outside with less than a proper T-shirt,but he rejected:"No thanks,Gracemeria in winter away like this"

"Uh,fine,you Emmerian are impressive as hell.Whatever,let's go,where would you like to go first?"

"A warm drink,I want one"-Mobius looked immediately at a cafe on the side of the road,her eyes seemed to only focus on the warm yellow light come from the inside of the building,hoping that they have some soft of heater,but she can't let her wingman know this,otherwise embarrassment will weight down on her for the rest of the walk.

"I know what you wanted,the Russian spring is still hashed for you,right?Alright,we go then"-Trigger walks to the cafe and opens the door,waiting for his companion to enter,who seemed disappointed,but she still entered:

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