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Thoughts: I must say before I even started reading the story. The cover of this book Is Beautiful. It is just very stunning. It really grabs you. To be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to like this story. But the more I read it and mind you, I only read one chapter because if you can't get me hooked at one chapter. I'm not going to even consider your book as a read. But this book really has me intrigued, like this book will be going into my nighttime reading. Which is a big honor because I only put books that I know I'm going to read from beginning to end in that list. And this is one book that I want to read more, and let me tell you why. The character is sarcastic I love that she is beautifully written and her sarcasm is not overly done. It's beautiful, and she's beautiful. I love how they call her red to me, having a nickname like that and knowing that her hair is like a fiery red color is like gold. I love the dream she had, which really makes me want to know more about her. And all of the things that I've read, the author does a fantastic job. It flows very nicely the character development is very nice. It's not overly done. It's not like the character has found her purpose in life. She hasn't. She doesn't even want to go to college. But you know, as you go on in the book, she's going to hit that realization that she's growing. It's a 100% original story, and by Golly, isn't it a beautiful one? The way the author writes, the way that they describe, the way that they make it so that you can visually see everything, it's a gold mine. To me, this story is a one billion percent gold mine. And I am not understanding how stories like this one and others I have read.
Don't have a warts are not praised for the beauty of what they are. Where you can build a character and have her so beautiful that you're just like, I want to meet her in real person. It is beyond me that if I ever met this character in person, I'd probably hug her. The author needs to be happy with what they have. And don't let anybody tell you any differently because the work that you have created and the world you have created is phenomenal, and she should be extremely proud of yourself. Because I am proud to be able to read such an extraordinary story as this one. And I cannot wait to come back once I'm done reading a lot of the stories I have on my list and get to yours. Because it is a story that I'm going to dive so far into that, I'm not going to want to come out of, and when I am to the end and I know that the story is complete for me, I feel like it's going to be a very heartbroken me because I've gotten so involved in the story I'm invested. This is a story that I can grab a cup of hot cocoa and a cookie with and sit down and enter the world of beauty. Because let me tell you, this story is going to be one of those to your jerkers for me; I just know it. And I'm okay with this. I am living for the ride, and I cannot wait to see what else this author brings to the table and what other stories they can create because this one is phenomenal, and I'm so glad I got to review it.
Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚
🪷A. D🪷
Chapter I read:1
Recommend yes/ no?, without a doubt, I would recommend this story. More people need to read this story
Summary of book

"Well," he suddenly informed, his voice a mere whisper that sent shivers down my spine, "facts about vampires include their ability to sense the desires of others from just a few distances." "And aside from those two whose desires are choking the place, another one lingers, and that's you, Red," he stated. I could feel the warmth of his breath, tantalizingly close, as it brushed against my ear, sending a rush of sensations through my body."W-What?""You know," he continued, his voice lowering even further, as if he was revealing a forbidden secret, "I can help with that, Red, leaving you breathless and craving more than you've ever desired in your entire life."~~~~Red HathawayThe girl with a seemingly normal life has gone through the ups and downs of high school. Teen movies, bullying, being called a freak - it's all part of the teenage experience, right? But there's something intriguing about this mysterious boy with piercing baby blue eyes that Red can't quite remember.Now the normalcy is shattered, and Red's life takes an unexpected turn on her nineteenth birthday. From almost blowing up a chemistry lab to being pursued by soul-hungry beings, Red discovers that she's not even human.As she is whisked away to Mystic Academy, a school teeming with magical creatures - elves, faes, vampires, werewolves, and witches with incredible spell-casting abilities. Red must navigate her newfound identity, survive the perils that surround her, and make a choice between the allure of a werewolf and a seductive vampire as her potential lover.Join Red on this gripping journey as she unravels the mysteries of her existence and faces the ultimate test of her heart and survival.

Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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