❄️Empire: playing dice❄️

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Thoughts: I must say that the cover is just beautiful. It really stands out. I started reading this earlier today. I'm still reading it. I love the way that the author writes; it's very old-time typewriting. But it's still very lovely writing, the way that they have a lot of description, the way that the characters are developing, the way that they do things, and even the name Arlo. I loved it at first; I didn't know what his name was. And everything I tried and sounded right, but then I'm like, oh my goodness, it's easy, it's Arlo, And I love the name. I love how she calls him Lord Cousins. Obviously, they are cousins, but because he's higher ranked, he's considered a lord. I don't like how he talks about her weight, but that's to be expected even back then; women that were a little heavier were looked out upon.
I must say that the writer has a really unique story. I do love the fact that he looks out for her. You don't see that in a lot of stories unless it's like a brother-sister type thing. But these are obviously cousins, and the way he looks out for her, even when it comes to her Suitor, is very touching. He wants her to be happy; the writing is just phenomenal. It's beautifully written, like it is so beautiful the way that they write it as an old-time story. They've nailed it on the head like everything is in place, from the way that they talk to every nook and cranny in this story. And everybody is developing very well as they should. They all have a role in it shows in this story. This story is, without a doubt, a really good old-time story or old-time story, and it's very enjoyable to read because it's like when you open it and you start to read it. Transported back into time, and I love those types of stories. I love the names, and I love how original it is. I don't think I've read a story like this in a while, either. It's a breath of fresh air when I get stories like these because they're just amazing; all in all, this is a very unique story, and I love it. I don't see anything wrong with it; it's written very beautifully, it flows very beautifully, the characters are where they need to be in the story, and you know that they're going to progress. As the story goes along, there are going to be trials and errors because this is an arranged marriage this is a political marriage. This author should be very proud of themselves. I love this story.

Thank you for letting me review your story. 📚

🪷A. D🪷


Chapter I read:1

Recommend yes/ no? Yes

Summary of book

"Gods are playing dice with our lives. Never forget that."In a realm where power and politics weave an intricate tapestry, Lord Arlo and Princess Laa, aided by their unwavering companions, Yew and Dan, become embroiled in the enigmatic web of imperial intrigue. As they embark on a perilous journey to the heart of the Empire, they must skillfully navigate the treacherous waters of court politics, manage ever-shifting alliances, and bear the weight of their family's legacy. With luck on their side, the outcome of the dice game played in the imperial court may not seal their fate with death.


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