Arc 1, Chapter 6: Blown Away.

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Trigger warning for family issues, hinted abuse.


Test Tube dropped the ruined piece of machinery on the ground. It made a small thump against the carpet on the floor. She wasn't sure what to believe... Whether the energy reader was simply malfunctioning... or... The disgusting amount of raw energy was directly coming from the young boy in-front of her. To test this sort of thing she'd need an entire facility much bigger than her lab.

"W-we need to call— Someone! I don't know who... B-but SOMEONE!!!" Test Tube yelled. Looking in her bag for a phone.

OJ nodded in agreement to... Probably call the police. Or a hospital.

Paper quickly spun around and grabbed OJ's shoulder. "OJ!! Will you stop to THINK for half a second?!" Paper fumed. "You call the cops and he's DONE! They'll dissect him or something!!!" Paper pulled him back into the room.

OJ made a grumble of annoyance. "What ELSE do we do?!"

"There's nothing else we can do! He might NEED to be contained! My device wouldn't just explode for no reason! A-and if what it's saying is true then..." Test Tube paused and mumbled a few things... "BALLOON MIGHT ASWELL BE STRONGER THAN A WORLD ENDING NUCLEAR WEAPON! A mass extinction event could be sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!!!" Test Tube ranted, as she paced back and forth.

"What?!" Paper flinched. "You mean he's a walking bomb?!"

"At this point he could be! If it's a number that doesn't exist than hypothetically it's an infinite amount... but infinity surely can't exist all at once?! S-so maybe it's a number rising so fast it's outside our reality entirely! That means if the energy was converted into a hypothetical object, it would be larger than our infinite universe, which is constantly expanding—?! HOW CAN SOMETHING BE BIGGER THAN SOMETHING WITH NO END—?!"

"GUYS SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!" Nickel screamed.

Everyone shut up and looked at him.

"You're scaring him..." Nickel muttered. "Wouldn't be a bad idea to... I don't know... Terrorize him enough to hypothetically trigger this 'bomb' you all are so worried about?!"

"He could destroy the hotel Nickel!" OJ retaliated.

"WELL HES NOT RIGHT NOW! Look, usually... I don't defend him... but... you're really going to give him to someone who could trigger this— WHATEVER YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT just as easily?! Besides! They know less than we do! All they're gonna do is make it worse.. Lock Balloon up in some sort of government facility and hurt him. He's already in ENOUGH pain..." Nickel hissed. As he walked towards Balloon and sat in the bed next to him.

Balloon was very clearly crying... All of this must be super stressful on his mind and body. He was curling up more in his wings every second and shaking quite a bit.

Nickel just gently stroked the feathers on his wings... which seemed to help at least a bit. So it was better than nothing.

"Nickel is right. He's not a danger right now... And, if we tell anyone about this they'll only take him because he has wings! And probably wouldn't believe us about the ice powers o-or energy readings, or whatever it was..." Paper sighed, he looked worried.

"So what? You want us to sit and wait for Mr Mass extinction event to destroy everything we love?!" OJ put his hands on his hips in a annoyed manner.

"OJ! Will you stop acting like this?! It's like you WANT to get rid of him!" Paper shouted angrily as he crossed his arms.

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