Last Coffee on Earth

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"All I am saying, Max, is that you need to get out more." Sniffed my younger sister, Anna. She was three years younger than me but arguable had her shit together far better than I did. "You can't stay locked up in that dusty study of yours forever, you know." She said, setting down her paper cup so that she could tuck her red leather wallet back into her purse.

"I am out right now." I stated stubbornly, knowing it would irritate her. She was younger but often acted like she was the big sister, and I the baby of the family. Not that I tried very heard to change her opinion on that.

I was a twenty eight year old woman with a rather pointless modern arts and fine literature degree and I was mostly okay with that. Sure, all that schooling and money went into what amounted to a pretty certificate hanging on the wall, but at least no one could say I wasn't educated.

The fact of the matter was that I was pretty much a shut in and I was just fine with that. My parent gave up expecting anything more from me long ago, but my fiery sister was another matter. 

Where I had inherited my fathers dark hair and dreary eyes, Annabelle was my mother through and through. A sea of fiery red hair, vibrant green eyes, and all the attitude that my mother's Irish ancestors could muster. She had already begun her very promising life as a molecular biologist, and was doing quite well for herself.

And I was very happy for that! But that didn't mean that I had to be just as motivated.

"That isn't funny." Anna huffed. "Maxine, you are going to be thirty soon! Dosn't it bug you that you have never had a steady boyfriend?"

"What if I don't like boys...?" I said, rather childishly as we both left the coffee shop for the busy downtown streets. 

It was around noon and Anna was on her lunch break. At lest once a week she made it her business to force me out of my 'cave' and get me some fresh air. Usually it was just a quick coffee date, or lunch at a diner. I loved our get togethers, and looked forward to them. But it was rather annoying when Anna took it upon herself to insist that I was not living too my fullest.

She narrowed those jade green eyes on me. "A girlfriend then." She sighed as we dodged other city folk about their own business. We lived in a pretty large city, and I wasn't too fond of the crowds and noise. But I was also not motivated enough to go through the bother of moving either. Besides, my sister needed to live here for work, and I wanted to be close.

"I am more than happy writing my books, thank you. I don't think having a man around will help too much with that, now will it?"

This time she rolled her eyes and dodged a man in a business suite who breezed past while talking on his cell phone. It reminded me that I had left mine at home... Hmmm. Oh well, I was going to be home soon enough, and if I had a dime for the number of times I had left the damn thing behind I would be rich. Its not like I used for anything other than mobile internet access and texting Anna anyways.

"Then why not at least get your stories published then?" She asked, annoyed with my lack of motivation once again.

It was true that I wrote a lot, yet never had any of my numerous stories published. It was a mix of lack of confidence and the anxiety of the unknown. It often took me ages to try something new, my brain telling me all the ways it could go wrong if I tried.

As such, I really couldn't do much more than a deflecting shrug, causing Anna to sigh and give in, changing the subject at last.

"I have to attend a open gallery soon." She said after about twelve seconds of silence. I felt my stomach drop. I knew where this was going... "I was thinking that you could be my plus one."

I groaned, shaking my head in exasperation. "Why me? Why don't you have a freaking boyfriend?"

"Tch. I am too busy for that. Besides, unlike you, I do date you know? Besides," She added in the cheery voice I usually associated with when she thought she was doing me a huge favor. "I figured it could be a great place for you to meet someone! I mean, it is an art gallery. Is there really that big of a differences between artists and writers? I am sure you could find someone to talk to at least."

Running a free hand through my dark tangled hair I let out another sigh. This time in defeat. No point in arguing with her, she would just nag me till I gave in. "Fine," I sighed. "At least tell me I don't have to where an expensive dress..."

"Ugh! How is it that you do not like dressing up?" She laughed, clearly pleased I had not faught her hard on this one. "Most women li- Max?"

The random concern in her voice confused me at first, till I realized that something was off. My breath felt short all of a sudden, and I realized that I was sweating. weird... I didn't think I was sick.

Suddenly my cup of coffee fell from my grip and the world began to spin, my chest tight. I thought I heard Anna shout one last time before everything went dark.

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