❄️The Stalker*Book One*❄️

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Creativity:10 /15
Hopefully, I get no hate for this, but I'm going to be completely honest because that's who I am. When it comes to creativity, the beginning of the story gets me started when he starts making his list, and he is involved with the First music he turns on. The first song gave me creeper vibes. It's like this guy is serious. What puts me off where I no longer want to read is you put on another song. I feel like with the first song after it's done you could have done so much more creativity with that moment. You could have put a picture of her on the wall. You could have done something like write in a Journal something creepy that screams I need to read the next chapter. But after the first song, it fell flat for me. And as a reader, I was looking for more anticipation, creepiness, and he's going to get even type thing. And I didn't get that, so for me, it started terrific but fell flat towards the end.

Originality:15 /15
I can honestly say that this is a story I have not read or encountered. So originality is definitely there, along with the creepiness, which is a good thing. I love the way that the story starts. But you know me, a good story has got to keep me intrigued, and it does, for the most part. The character, I've got some things going on he needs to work out. But that makes it a good story because he's creepy, and you're just waiting to see how far he goes.

Storytelling: 15/15
I'm sorry, but I feel like I'm the victim when it comes to the storytelling. I didn't even feel like I was the stalker when the story started; I felt like I was ultimately the victim, like I was waiting for him to murder me or stalk me or something. I got that vibe from the story, like, nope, I'm not the stalker, which was interesting because I thought I would see or be terrified because I was the stalker. I feel like I'm 100% the victim, and I don't even realize I'm the victim. I have that chill down my spine. Like I'm next type things. And I love that.

Character: 15/15
Because I only read one chapter per the reader's request. I didn't get to meet all the characters or see the characters' points of view, but I did get an intake of the first character. I did not connect with him for that, but that's not always bad. Sometimes, you will connect with the character; sometimes, you will not always do a bad thing. But I did get creeped out by him, let's put it that way. He was very creepy and gave me chills because he had no boundaries in my mind, which meant he would go far and beyond. To make somebody's life a living hell, and I hate to say it, but I'm living for it; I want to see it.

Story Flows:15 /15
I did not see anything that was out of place, and I did not see any errors that made me scream that this was not meant to be here. I did not see anything that did not flow right to me. The first chapter flowed very nicely. It was very much a creepy story that you're waiting for, like him, to do something just out of the ballpark crazy. But at the same time, the way the author wrote it flowed so neatly for being a stalker story that I was astonished by that. When you're in the stalker's mind, you have actually to either research the stalker or do something. This author did their homework, so when reading, everything flowed so impeccable that I was speechless.

Cover Design:15 /15
At first, I wasn't sure about the cover, but then I read the story, and the cover and the story fit in sync perfectly. The cover matches the story.

Final Thoughts:10 /10
The only critique that I have is I would say go back to chapter one and critique it. Make it more creepy, make it more suspense because adding that second song makes it go flat to me. It makes me, as a reader, lose interest. That first song was a perfect song to start off, but there was no real need for the second song. I feel like after the first song, once again, you could open it up a little more to make it more suspenseful, more stalker creepy. I need to read more about this type of reaction over what it is now. Also, you know how I am, but I'm still going to say the YouTube video, even though it is a nice one, and I feel like what I listened to fits the story. Some people might not be able to pause it and keep it paused. For me, that's my issue with it. When I pause a YouTube video, I read mine on a tablet. And once I flip that page, the song starts to play. So, that might be a distraction for some of your readers. But besides that, the story was an amazing one. I can't wait to read more.

Chapters I read: one chapter per reader's request

Total points:  95

Summary of the book:

Olivia Winter never thought she would be the target of a stalker. But when mysterious notes and gifts start appearing at her workplace and home, she realises that someone is watching her every move. As the stalker's actions become more dangerous, Olivia turns to the police for help. But with no leads and no suspects, she begins to suspect that the stalker is closer than she ever imagined. Will Olivia be able to uncover the identity of her stalker before it's too late?As Olivia delves deeper into the mystery, she realises that her stalker might have been someone she trusted all along. With her life on the line, Olivia must race against time to catch the culprit before it's too late. But as the evidence mounts, she begins to wonder if she'll ever be able to regain her sense of safety and security.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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