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     Time had past since then. Lots of time. Yet I still felt like I knew nothing. After I told the duo about what went on, the guy, Leon, spoke to his father who guessed what, is the MAYOR. I guess I lucked out. Anyways, I guess they understood that going to the orphanage was not an option and I sort of lived with Brinette's family for a bit until I figured out what I actually am going to be doing. Obviously also going to school, I guess. The Lauve family set some ground rules that I was to go to school, pick up at least one chore, adhere to house rules and then said they won't force me to practice 'Humaritism' with them whatever religion that is never heard it, but they would like for me to go to church with them.

I obviously said I'm good because I, again, have no idea what that is. And they were actually really ok with it. I guess that's how I ended up staying at the Lauve house on a random sunday.

"Popsicle?" Bri says entering my 'room' which was really just a guest room. I take her up on the offer and express joy in the tasty treat.

"It's really weird I feel like I've known you for so long but I only met you what like.. 2 months ago?" Bri lays her head on my stomach, closing her eyes after she finishes her popsicle.

"I guess we're pretty close now. 2 months isn't enough but close enough to call you my one true friend. At least that I remember."

"Oh yeah.. Your memories. I spoke to some people at the church and they said it might have something to do with the desert. In Humaritism it's pretty common to view that desert as pure evil. Especially with all the magic fanatics running about. Imagine what it was like convincing my parents to let you stay after telling them you were in there" She laughs cuddling up next to me on the bed. This was nice. Some comfort for once.

"I would imagine. I felt like they wanted to kill me after I said I wouldn't be going to church" I cracked a joke earning another laugh from her as we both closed our eyes.

This is how life has been for the last 2 months. Pure confusion hidden by warmth and joy that came all from Bri. I could tell she feels the same too. I never really see her anywhere outside of her room or mine. Like she's scared of this house. But even if I have known her for a bit, it wasn't enough to start pushing her trauma buttons. I guess I would have to wait things out.

As I drift off into peaceful nothingness... Everything is ruined by the aggravating noise of another human entering the room.

"Whats up guys." Nevermind not too bad I thought as I looked up and saw Viva closely followed by Leo.

"Watch it Sven if you keep cuddling my girlfriend, things could get really bad for us." Leo faked disapproval jumping on the bed and cuddling up right with us, Viva sitting and leaning on the headboard lost in her phone.

"Oh ha ha. Sorry your girlfriend loves me more. Plus you guys know I'm-"

"Gay" they all say with a boredom one could only assume to be homophobia...had it not been a phrase I say all the time.

"Ok homophobic much." I rolled my eyes as they laughed it off, cut by a screech from Bri who now jumped off the bed and looked intently at her phone.

"What is it??" Leo jumped up with her, gripping her shoulders and looking with urgency and concern. Ugh I hate their lovey dovey shit. As if saying the same thing internally, Viva and I eye each other and smirk.

"We just got invited to the McArdy High School Fall Semester party. And bonus, it's a seniors only party." Brinette says with wide eyes and a smile matching its size. "We have to go! It's tonight!"

Oh yeah. School. School here works a little differently I guess. High School is like a boarding school but without the negative connotation. Like college in a way. Pretty much, in 2 weeks we would move into dorms and live on a big campus for the last year of high school which to the others wasn't really crazy since they lived through this. Me on the other hand, had no clue what things here were like. Therefore moving out of this house and into a dorm is a little scary. Especially when it means I no longer would be with Bri 24/7. Scary I know. Anyways, I guess there's a party going on. Dumb high school kids, everything is a party.

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