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It wasn't until nearly 8am that I got home lucky because it was the weekend I was able to sneak in take an hour nap before getting ready for the day. I had work at 11 and it's was already 10:25 I was fully dressed in my coverall tied at my waist my black tank top with my zip up top. I slide on my dirty white trainers and my backwards cap walking into the kitchen to see my brothers and step-dad slouching on the round table with my mum cooking I move around her grabbing a cup.

"morning." she mumbles I could tell she was still upset about the way I spoke to her yesterday but was trying to be the biggest person about it. Pouring straight black coffee into a huge mug I watch my mums beady eyes and shock. I drag a chair back planting myself in it man spreading before taking a sip. "what time did you get home." my step dad asks. "not much later."
I mumble.

"liar" Kyle scoffs. "layla saw you coming in whilst she was leaving and that was around 8am." i glare at him... What a knobhead. "you stayed out all night." my mum croaks her voice full of shock and worriedness. "what were you doing." she folds her arms popping a hip now my next sentence had to be crucial if I don't say something she would like to hear no matter my big age she will ground me. "I went for a walk in the park to clear my then it got cold so I was gonna drive home but then laikon called me and I ended up speaking to him for hours whilst he got ready for the day. I then went for a little drive and found myself at the beach where I walked some more enjoyed the view and watch the sunrise by the time I did that I went home took a nap and now I'm here."

Her eyes stayed on mine for a long time almost like she new I was lying but shrugging it off she went back to making her own coffee and I let out a sigh of relief. I feel someone nudge me in my side and I look up to see haden smirking like an idiot. Because haden is only 3 years older then me he was in senior year when I was in sophmore year the high school we went to was small so we had a few of the same followers on social media.

So when I look under the table to see an Instagram story of my faced smashed with a girls whilst my hands rested on her ass and her hands might as well have been in my pant I let out a low groan In embarrassment trying my hardest to forget that part of the party especially when I spent the rest of that night with another girl.

Haden laughs at my discomfort turning the phone off."yeah I was at a party last night but not for long I walked in tried to get a drink got snogged by a girl and left and was there for no more then 30 minutes. My social battery wouldn't have allowed it anyways" I whisper close to his ears making sure no body else heard. "did you like atleast." i shook my head. "nah she tasted like pure alcohol and I'm not a drinker not a big one anyways." haden tuts shaking his head.

"your telling my you went to party didn't drink didnt dance didnt fuck a girl and only stayed for 30 minutes" I nod actually stayed for hours but seeing as it was just me and Brooklyn in the backyard I wouldnt class it as being involved with the party "what is wrong with you man nobody does that your such a loner." he scoffs.

"then a loner I will be brother." i get up I grab my keys kissing my mums head before heading out the door.


It was almost three hours into work I was fixing a Honda civic my boss fixing up a BMW 6 series a few meters away from me. The radio playing 50 cent as we bopped to a little. "alright son I'm heading out to get some food you can take your break whenever you want... Do you want anything to eat." i shake my head not looking at him. "nah I'm gonna take my break after I finish this I'm good."
"cool well I'm out." i hear the screech off the door before silence.

"well that was quick." i say when I hear to door open again no more then an hour later the garage is in the middle of an empty estate so theres not really anywhere to get good for thats not half an hour away. "i don't think I'm who your talking about." i freeze putting my tool down and turning around.

Leaning against the civic, I cross my arms taking in the full site of Brooklyn naomi Paige. Her long blonde hair in a bun I skin glowing along with her gloss lips. She had a really small red tube top on that looked more then a headband then a top she had red joggers and Jordan 1s she hand a puffa jacket on to covering most of her body.

 She had a really small red tube top on that looked more then a headband then a top she had red joggers and Jordan 1s she hand a puffa jacket on to covering most of her body

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"hey." i say trying to hide the fact that her outfit made me salivate. She gave me the cutest smile ever. "where have you been today." i ask. "well." she says slowly walking to me. "I woke up went for a small run came home showered got ready went to Starbucks drank my Starbucks whilst studying went to get food and...now I'm here." yeah she was here standing in front of me looking up at me with joy written all over her face and she smile.

I couldn't help myself I places my hand on her rubbing it with my thumb before letting go. She hand no make up on and she cute with nothing but lip gloss on her lips. "what food did you get." i ask losing the bonnet of the honda.

"well I got us burger king." she brought me food... Damn... She know I'm a big foodie. "cool." i nod. "thanks." i force out. Walking up to me challenger sitting on the bonnet my knees up to my chest. She handed me my burger chips and fizzy drink. She sits on the ground leaning on the front of my car. "what are you doing." i chuckle. She looks at me shocked but it turns into a smile. "come sit." i tap on my bonnet. She gets up handing me her food before climbing oddly on the top of my car.

Facing me, she kicks her shoes of as they tumble of the edge of my car before crossing her legs her feet tucked under her. She grabs her food unwrapping her burger and taking the biggest bite letting out a moan as her eyes rolls. "im so freaking hungry you dont understand" using her thumb she wipes the source from the corner of her mouth licking it off. If I said it wasn't sexy I'd be lying. she didn't do it In a seductive way but it was hot.

"when was the last time you ate." i ask "I'm not gonna lie to you teddy..." that fucking nickname goddamn. "i ate breakfast at like 11:30" i look her odd it was only 2. "why are you so hungry then." i chuckle taking a sip of my drink. "my mom's and almond mom" she whines.

"she made me breakfast and it was a singular pancake only made out of oat flour and almond milk when I tell you it was thinner then paper and had no flavour she made me smother it in vegan Greek honey yoghurt for what she call flavour it was so bad Theo" she fakes cries and I couldn't help but burst into pure laughter.

She glared at me a smile on her face. "first off did moody broody Theodore just laugh." my smile dims slowly. "I guess so." i shrug and she smiles. "well it was cute." i look up at her her eyes on mine as we got lost in each other's gaze. I snap out when a chip hits me straight in the face and she bursts into laughter. "that's what you get for laughing at my struggles." i retaliate slinging the tomato I took out of my burger at her and it lands on her cheek. And she gasps and so do I before I laughing.

"OMG THEODORE I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." leaving my food on my car I run as she chases me. "what I heard it's good for skin care." i yell laughing at her. She jumps on my back when she gets close enough to me gripping her thighs making sure she doesn't fall as she bursts into laughter.

She grabs my hate hitting me with it. I put her down turning around seeing her perfect bun ruined she pulls the bobble out of her hair before putting my hat on her head. And in that moment I wanted to kiss her to pull her closer and never let go to make this moment last as something grew inside me something Ive never felt before.

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