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As the youngest Hughes made his way downstairs to take y/n on a date, both Quinn and Jack turned their heads to look at Luke

"Where are you going" Quinn and Jack questioned Luke from their position on the couch

"Out" he replied bluntly and headed to his car to go pick you up both boys looked at each other knowing they had to find out where he was going

Luke and you had pulled up to your guys favorite date night spot, it was going well until Luke caught a glimpse of his two older brothers sitting in quinns car spying on the both of you

without saying anything Luke grabbed your hand and the rest of your stuff and took you to the car, once you were both settled in the car he sped off explaining why you guys needed to leave

he dropped you off home and gave you an apology which you excepted, you gave Ellen a warning text to make she was prepared for the chaos that was about to go down between the three boys

"YOU GUYS COULDN'T MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS COULD YOU" Luke shouted as soon as he stepped a foot into the house

Quinn and Jack both gave hime a guilty look

"we just wanted to protect you luke" Jack mumbled

"I DON'T NEED PROTECTING IM NOT FIVE ANYMORE" and with that Luke stormed out off the house to yours knowing you would help calm him down but provide him comfort

you guys were laying in your bed while you play with his hair, Luke had turned off his phone not wanting to speak to anyone, you did however sent a text to Ellen telling her where her son was and that he was safe in your arms

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