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After the meeting, turning in her assignments and helping with the presentation, it was now after 5 going on to 6 in the afternoon. The school was open until 7 since some students had night classes, so she stayed back to do some more work on the presentation. Despite the fact that her abdomin was killing her and she was going to start menstruating tomorrow but the pain was starting early.

The day had flown by quickly  to her disappointment she didn't want to go back just yet, but she had to, she thought, moving toward the trash can to throw away the box of the juice she was just drinking from. As she threw her garbage away, she heard the sound of glass breaking and then felt immense pain.

As she looked at the source, she saw that her ankle and the palm of her hand had been cut badly by a piece of glass shard. Suddenly, she heard footsteps rushing towards her and someone profusely apologizing to her and Dean's voice, scolding the boy as he told the others to take him to the office to receive a punishment. Dean picked her up and took her to the nurse to get her cut cleaned up.

Through all the yelling, she heard what had happened. The boy who was apologizing to her had thrown a glass bottle aiming for the bin and missed hitting the wall, shattering the bottle into smaller pieces, which then came into contact with her ankle and hand cutting them very deeply.

After getting her wound cleaned and bandaged, Kevin and Miranda were informed, and she was sent home to rest. Since Kevin and Miranda were a few hours away, they sent their personal driver to take her home.

As the car pulled up to the mansion, she got out of the car with the assistance of the driver and made her way to the front door and inside the mansion.

"Don't you need help getting inside, child?" He asked her anyone who heard him could tell he was concerned about her.

"No, it's alright. You can go home now. I'll be fine." She said, her voice soft trying to convince him.

"Alright, take care of yourself." He said, heading back to the limousine though he knew she was lying.

She waited to see him off a gesture she always did and then stuck her keys in the door to open it. The door swung open, frightening her at the fact that someone was just behind the door waiting.

It revealed Zade, who then stepped aside, allowing her to pass and watched  her coldly as she rushed past him.

Until he noticed her visible limp, she tried not to draw attention to it. He then noticed the bandages as she walked over to the staircase about to go upstairs  he called out to her.

"Stop." His voice laced with authority caused her to look back wondering who he was talking to, praying it wasn't her.

He came towards her, his eyes darting from her hand to her ankle to her eyes, which were filled with confusion as he wrapped his huge arms around her to support her even though she had been holding onto the stairs for that purpose.

"What happened? Who did this to you?" He questioned her, not giving her a chance to answer him even though she wouldn't tell him the truth anyway.

She quickly removed his hand from around her and took a few steps back, causing her to stumble and fall on the stairs. Yet when he rushed to help her, she held out a hand, signaling him to stop. He stared at her in response. He was confused she was in pain and needed help getting upstairs, yet she refused his advance to help her.

A few others must have heard the thud she made when she fell because some of them rushed into the room.

Upon witnessing the scene before them, some of them rushed to help her up.
As their hand reached out to help her up, she swatted them away.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now