Chapter 3

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A/N: This is for those readers who haven’t read my other books and is only reading this book! Before you read this chapter go read chapter 13 of “His Second Addiction” so that you guys won't be confused about what happened.


I ran to my room after I got the news that I will have to get married within two days. My birthday is the worst day for me! Bad things happen to me on this day, everytime. It's like destiny never wants me to be happy on my birthday and never like this day. I think it's a curse that a girl like me was even born on this day. I don't think! I'm sure it's a curse.

Everyone came to check on me, continuously knocking on my door but I'm not in the mood to talk to them or even see their faces. For a while let me just hate everyone and everything around me. I can't take it anymore. My past trauma is coming back. I don't want to think about my past again. I healed myself after lots of difficulty. And I don't want to become that depressed girl once again.

I need to pray my Salah but I'm on my period. See this day is really the worst day ever. I will become insane if I stay locked up in my room, all alone with my thoughts. Thoughts which are forcing me to remember my past and torment me.

I came out of my room going to Aaran bhaiya's room. He is the only one who can calm me in my panicked state. If he were single I would've just straight went inside his room but now he is married so I can't enter without knocking. So I knocked and waited for few minutes until bhabi opened the door. “I need to talk to bhaiya alone.” I said with great difficulty cause I'm on the verge of breaking down almost. I don't want to look vulnerable in front of bhabi. Mostly Aaran bhaiya always saw my vulnerable side.

“I'm going to the library. You can take your time to talk to him.” Aaidah bhabi said then she left the room. Bhaiya came rushing towards the doorway after he came out from the bathroom. “Alaida! Are you okay? Come inside.” After I went inside, he locked the door and that's when I broke down. I started crying like a kid while hugging him.

Bhaiya didn’t ask me anything that why I'm crying. He just kept hugging me and rubbing my back to calm me down. “Bhaiya I don't want to remember my past. But all these things are forcing me to remember my painful past!” I sobbed more. “Do I really have to get married within two days? His mom said it so casually as if it's a normal thing. It's about my damn life, my life partner, my marriage. A marriage which decides my future.” He made me sit down on the bed then wiped my tears. “I will tell Ahren to delay the Nikah date.” I looked at him with my teary eyes. Just then I remembered what Ahren bhaiya told me in my room. And I started to cry again. 

“What's wrong? Hey hey calm down. No one even have the audacity to force you to get married against your will. Okay? You trust your bhaiya right?” I badly want to tell him that his best friend have both power and audacity to force me. “Don't you trust me?” His tone is filled with sadness and I know why he is suddenly so sad. “I do! I trust you the most in this world.” I quickly told him in one breath so that he won't overthink anymore.

I hugged him again but this time I'm not crying. I don't want to seem weak by crying all the time. But what to do? I'm a very sensitive person. Even little thing hurts me deeply. Then this is a huge thing. How can it not hurt me? It will be really hard for me to act like I'm happy with this decision. But then again I have always been good at pretending to be happy.

I pulled away from the hug now looking at him. “I'm ready to get married within two days if that's the best decision according to you all.” He is looking at me, worry visible in his face. I smiled at him to make him believe that I'm really okay with it. “Are you sure?” I knew he would ask this question so I nodded my head happily. I'm behaving like a happy girl when deep down inside I feel like someone is stabbing me on my chest. That's how much it's hurting me. I can't even explain it in words that what I'm feeling but in short I'm feeling miserable from inside and from outside I'm showing that I'm feeling happy.

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