Chapter 8- DOLL KEEPER

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I saw my doll today. She is so beautiful even when she sleeps. But she is in love with that Astor. And she is crazy over him just like I am crazy for her.
I caressed her cheek and that bitch's blood came on to her cheek.
I know when I take her with me to keep her, she will understand.
Me and my doll are same. She has a room full of his pictures and I have my whole house full of her pictures.

But she started waking up so I left from the window.
I even made her listen to her favorite song which she used to play when she was playing hide and seek with us.
It was our favorite song.
That defective doll hated it.

I played that song and she is coming to me.

I did all that in the same place my doll is. I wanted her to see what I will do if someone tried to hurt her.I even called her throwing doll at her. The same doll we all had. And even threw nuts at her. Cause she used to like nuts alot.

But that Astor came and ruined everything.
He took her away from me just like that Anita did.
But My doll is searching for me.
She is crying because she cant find me.
I need to go to my doll but Astor already took her.
I wont let this happen. My doll is mine to keep.

Today I saw that girl trying to reach the police to complain about my doll.
I kidnapped her and cut her tounge.
I wanted her to see what I will do with that girl but she is taken away from me.
I go to that garage which is few minutes away from where my doll is staying.
I even hit her.If someone wants to hurt my doll. They have to face me first.

She tried to speak but she cant. Because I already have her tounge. Don't worry if my doll didnt see you getting your punishment for your sin.

She will surely see what consequences will be faced if they will hurt her.

She fainted from everything.
I take the doll which my Ariella used to love. I cover that into her blood and attach her tounge to it.
I will send it as a gift to her.
I gave her a Keychain and she liked it. She will surely like this too.

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