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Good morning people. Today I am so happy that nothing can dampen my mood. Today is my first day at King's company.

My work starts at 9 and I am standing outside the King's enterprise at 8.30 ready and happy for the day ahead.

I went inside the building and collected my ID from the reception and headed to the 20th floor. Like I said nothing can dampen my mood, I ignored all the judgy looks anyone gave me.

The manager of the management department, Mr Richardson is a very nice man. I am working as his assistant.

He is a warm gentleman in his 50s. He introduced me to the rest of the team before assigning me the first task.
I had a great day today at King's. I even had my lunch with two of my colleagues instead of eating all alone like I usually would have.

I felt like I belonged here. This feeling was so new and strange to me. Though I have worked for almost all my life, it was just for survival, not my choice. But working here is a dream come true. My knowledge, experience, bank balance, clothes or style, nothing matches with the people I work with yet I don't feel out of place.

I am grateful that the recruiters at King's gave me a fair chance despite my being an undergraduate. I'll forever be thankful to them, they have lessened my burden manifold.

Also, the working environment here is so positive and friendly that it motivates everyone to give their best. Today I had my lunch with Sarah and Orry. They both are too funny and are always cracking jokes and pranking each other. Sarah has a boyfriend, Jacob, he works in finance department, I haven't met him yet. Orry is single, but flirts with every girl he comes across. They both are older than me but behave like high schoolers.

Today I met them for the first time but I laughed the hardest I have laughed in many years. Today was one of the best days of my life and I am looking forward to many more such days while I am working at King's.


It's been almost three weeks since I have been living the best of my life. My bond grew stronger with Orry and Sarah. The workload is bearable but Mr Richardson, my boss is a sweetheart. He makes sure to guide me whenever I feel lost and corrects my mistakes instead of shouting at me.
Also he often brings some homemade treats for all of us to share over lunch.

In these two weeks, I still had hardly any idea about the CEO. Everyone calls him King. All I gathered is that he is very handsome and good looking but he doesn't tolerate any blunders. He is arrogant and rude, not my words. Gossips around here were that apparently none of his assistants lasted longer than a month. Listening to all these tattles, I can't say I am very keen to face Mr King.

"Ava, can you sort out the monthly growth report? We have a meeting tomorrow at 9 with King. We can't mess up, he is very particular with the details so get everything cross-checked with Sarah. And be on time tomorrow, you will be accompanying me to the meeting." Mr Richardson told me.

Meeting with King tomorrow, how will I survive it? The panicked face of Mr Richardson is the validation that the gossips are not all fallacy. I don't want tomorrow to be my last day, so I quickly got to work.

Today was real hectic. Everyone was panicked and rushing around like hens. I worked on five files before going home and also took two with me to work on later tonight.

After leaving the office I skipped dinner and rushed to the convenience store where I am working the night shift. My working hours there are from 7 to 11.

After my shift there, I went home and resumed working on the files I brought home. I slept at half past two and woke up at six next day. I reached the office 8 to assist Mr Richardson. He was trying to act cool but we all knew he was super tense. This meeting was to be held next week but King preponed it, causing the tornado in our department.

Exactly at 8.45, we were seated inside the conference room. The lights were turned dim. The room was illuminated only by the light coming from the projector screen.
While we checked and cross-checked every little detail for the meeting today, the clock struck 9 and four men entered the room.

I assume the one walking in front must be King followed by his team. Due to the dim lighting in the room, I couldn't make out their faces. They all got settled in their respective seats and the meeting started.

🌿🌸Author's Time🌸🌿

QOTD: Which is your favourite flower.

Mine is Sunflower.

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