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Today was graduation. I was nervous scared and so fucking happy. Leaving highschool is like moving up in life and I was so happy to leave to be going to the same college as theo. I don't care about prestigious colleges and neither did my mother and I didnt want to use her money as a hand out so I wanted to go to a college where I could pay for my own educations the savings and part time jobs. I'm so nervous because today might just be the day TJAH theo meets my mom for the first time. Everytime theo came over to my place I was always able to sneak him round my mom's schedule but for the first time they might just collide.

"does my makeup look bad." i turn to niki we were in the tiny last minute make up room the school made for the girls in the gym lockers. "you look beautiful niki...is boady gonna be here today." applying lips gloss carefully I asked her rubbing my lips Together. "yeah I asked him to save a seat for Theodore."

I look over at her. "thanks niki that's so sweet he doesn't know that he's got a seat saved for him so he might not sit there." she applies a soft layer of blush on her cheek bones. "that's OK I don't think boady will really mind." i get up straightening my satin dress. I turn to my side watching the curls I created in my hair hover abovd my ass.

 I turn to my side watching the curls I created in my hair hover abovd my ass

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"are you and Theodore going to serenity's after the graduation ceremony." oh yeah the 'hut' . It was a good 3 hours away from us up in the mountains it was mainly a place for a bunch of teens to get together by the campfire, drink, party, smoke weed, eat marshmallows and have sex. It's was mainly for the main popular couples at my highschool including niki and boadys whos been there a couple times and the popular kids and ever since my whole year saw mine and theos kiss at the halloween party they thought we were a couple and all though I haven't denied it I haven't exactly confirmed it either except for with niki so serenity the popular cheerleader has invited us both to her hut.

I'm kinda new at that school so Im not popular I'm known because of niki being on the cheer team but I'm not popular. I mainly by myself at school other then a few rare moments where I'm with niki. So my very knew popular reputation kind of came from theo and our kiss and the fact that half the cheers squad was hoping to get it on with him that night. And I'm guessing I'm only invited to the hut to see if their look might just play out.

"come one the ceremony about to start."


Standing here watching the boy infront of me walk up was nerve racking knowing That I was next. I haven't see Theodore at all today and I tried to search for him in the crowd but from this angle it was hard. I saw my mom this morning but since the ceremony started I haven't seen her either. 2 girls have tripped so far and I'm scared I might do the same they were wearing small heels where as im wearing 6 inch heels that wrap around my legs and the straps are feeling pretty lose right now.

"Brooklyn Paige." i take a Deep breath as I hear people clap. Walking up the stairs I shake my teachers hands walking up to the man holding my diploma I grab my diploma shaking his hand as someone takes a picture. I search the crowd and I see my boy sitting next to boady slouching and man spreading with his zip up hoodie on only letting the front of his curls show his eyes were wide and proud and his mouth curled into a smile and I smiled back as he slowly clapped for me.

He involuntarily bucks his hips which means I'm making him hard. I giggle a little. Turning away from crowd I walk to the edge turning the tassle to the other side. I scan the crowd for my mom and find her with a tear on her cheak a proud face and a large smile. Seeing her like this makes tears form In my eyes. I smile at her blowing her a small kiss before walking of the stage.

I fucking nailed that shit.


The rest of the ceremony was boring as fuck. But after was a different story. After hugging a few of my ok classmates I find my mother. "oh my goodness my baby girl i am so so so proud of you sweet pea you don't understand how much you've been through so much yet youve still gotten this part I'm so proud of you." I hug her sobbing a little. I couldn't ruin my make up so I look up wiping the tear before it can smudge my mascara."thank you mom... That means alot to me."

Pulling away I grab her hand leading her to niki broady and theo who stood there his hood still up looking grumpy and with his arms crossed. He may look grumpy but he's not that's just how his face rests...like a bitch however his body language doesn't help.

"mom you've already met niki but this is her boyfriend broady." my mom smiles "hi broady wonderful to meet you." broady smiles. "you too Mrs Paige."

"please... Call me chloe." he smiles and my mom turns to theo her smile fading looking at his closed of persona. "and um mom this is my boyfriend theo weve been together for a little over 6 months." i let go of my mom's hand walking to theo and wrapping my arms around his torso and he wraps an arm around my shoulder I squeeze him a little too hard hoping he gets the gists.

"Hi it's really nice to meet you." he smiles shoving his tattooed hand into his pocket pulling his hood down and giving my mom his untatted hand to shake which she hesitantly does. "it's wonderful to see who raised this beautiful girl your daughter means the world to me and Im so proud of her."

I smile up at him even though he was being extra nice I could tell he meant every word he says. My mom gives him a half smile. He turns his face to me pecking my lips quickly making it parent friendly. "im so proud of you... You have know idea babe honestly. You've just moved here and you've already made friends and graduated and I'm glad I've been in your life long enough to see it happen." I smile brightly.

"thank you teddy you so sweet." he smiles brightly but this time it was honest... And beautiful. I turn to my mom to see her smile and this time it was genuine too.

"you guys going to serenitys? Everyone's leaving now." i look at niki. "serenitys? You guys?" theo says confusedly I look back at him. "yeah this girl called serenity her parents own a massive 5 bedroom cabin/hut thing in the mountains and um a bunch of people from school are going for a party and we got invited to go and stay the night there with a few other couples including niki and broady." i explaim hoping to get permission from my mom to go but also see if theo wanted to go I look between my mom and theo.

"seeing as it is your graduation I'll allow you to go but you call me for anything and text me when you get here and when you wake up tomorrow." i smile at my mom nodding. "so are we going." i ask theo running my thumb across the little hair he has on his chin.

"I have work tomorrow baby" he says almost sorry that he can't go. "please for me theo it's my graduation day just one night that's it." he runs his hands through his hair sighing.

"OK... OK one night... That's it." i smile widely.

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