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                 The morning started off as any other for the white-haired Shion. He put his flour-donned apron on, tying it tight around his slim waist as he hurried down the step and onto the bakery floor. He flung the door open, breathing in the fresh morning air before traveling back to the ovens and began kneading dough. 

           "Good morning, Shion." His mother, Karan, said as she watched him work. "I'll be out for most of the day, be good."

            "Yes, Mother. Have fun and stay safe." He answered, smiling and waving as she exited, leaving him alone. 

He sighed before turned back to the dough. Confusion contoured his features as he saw something other than bread dough sitting before his flour-covered body. On the counter top sat a bundle of multiple colored roses; Red, white, lavender, coral, all equally bright and enchanting. They were tied tightly together with a black hair band. Shion smiled lightly before picking up the roses, taking a whiff of them. He carried them upstairs, laying them upon the window sill. Shion hurried back down the steps as he heard a customer enter his mother's bakery. 

            Nezumi watched Shion work for hours, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. He sat outside, humming to himself while checking in on his shorter boyfriend from time to time. He saw Shion's sweet smile, the way his hair flopped around as he moved, the slight sway in his slender hips. Nezumi had to remind himself constantly through-out the day to stay hidden an wait until sunset to say hello to his long-lost love. His mouth watered endlessly and his stomach growled at the empty pit where some of Shion's treats should be. Dusk came slowly and the day passed as if it were a snail. When the orange light finally appeared, Nezumi nearly shouted in glee and he jumped up, strolling into the bakery silently.  Shion had his back turned, pulling a freshly-baked cherry cake out of the scalding hot oven. He set it on the counter delicately, completely oblivious to his black-haired boyfriend standing behind him. As Shion was wiping sweat off his forehead, Nezumi slipped his arms around the shorters' waist.

              "Smells good, babe." He whispered into Shion's ear, earning a small gasp from the other.

Shion spun around quickly, almost tripping over Nezumi's feet. Both stumbled, both laughed once regaining balance.

             "Nezumi." Shion said, grasping Nezumi's face before pulling his head down for a kiss. They stayed like that for a while, standing in each other's arms, smiling. 

             "Shion, I've been waiting all day to see you." Nezumi said, looking into Shion's alizarin eyes.

             "Why didn't you come in sooner?" He asked, shock and hurt clear in his soft voice.

              "Wow, you really are an airhead." Nezumi ruffled the white hair he loved so dearly before grabbing Shion's arm, dragging him upstairs and onto the patio. 

              "What?" Shion asked, staring at Nezumi, especially those silver eyes he adored. 

              "I wanted to watch the sun set with you." Nezumi blushed, sitting with his feet dangling off the edge. He patted the spot next to him and watched Shion plop down beside him, instantly placing his head on Nezumi's shoulder. His arm went around the white-haired boy's waist, pulling him closer. There, they watched the sun setting, the gorgeous orange, red, pink slowly fade away into shimmering stars and a full moon.

              "It's the Holy Day." Shion commented, planting a chaste kiss on Nezumi's cheek.

               "Yeah, it is because I'm here with you." Nezumi looked and began laughing as he saw an extremely flustered Shion. He joined in, sending a joyous sound coursing through the street like blood in a vein. 

Nezumi was back. He wasn't going to leave again. He'd stay with Shion and Karan and become a flour-covered adventurer who earned his stripes and settled down with his lover. And that's the end of their love story, two dorks working in a bakery and watching the set set while eating cherry cake.



Kill me. That was not as hard to write, actually. I just speed through it and don't know how to fix it. Anyway, I made this for a weeaboo since my birthday is coming up and I'm not used to only getting things. I wanted to make something for her. I need to make another for a different weeaboo so, expect that soon. Alright, it's 7 am , I'm sleeping. Oh, yeah, the roses. I choose those colors for a reason. The red roses symbolize love and respect. The white are innocence and secrecy. The coral are desire. Lastly, the lavender are enchantment. 


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