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Today was the day that i went to the clinic to start the pill. Me and teddy have been fucking like horny rabbits recently and all though it is so fucking good and I would happily let him live inside of me it's getting really expensive with the amount of condoms we have to buy.

I also have the massive fear that I will get pregnany especially after the accident we had 2 days ago. Me and teddy were going at it in his car but when he pulled out after he came there was nothing in the condom and there was a tear at the top of it. I panicked. Really panicked and tried to push as much out as possibly but I was still scared.

I was getting mad at theo and theo was getting mad at me and we were all panicked and all over the place. I was getting mad at theo because he was just so calm about it and it pissed me off also he was to busy worrying about his fucking car then me like how could you be so calm when you just nutted in me especially when I'm in the ovulation stage of my cycle like what the fuck. And he was getting mad at me because his cum that I had to physically push out of me was getting on his seats and in the creases of his seats.

Like the seats were literally leather you could get an antibacterial wipe and wipe the seats and creases it wasn't a big deal. And I didn't even understand why he cares so much when no one (not even his mother how siblings) but me his dad and his best friend laikon has been in his car so the backseat doesn't even get fucking used. We drove to the convenience store and I took a plan b but that wasn't even the point.

We were meant to hang out after but he just drove me home and I haven't spoken too him since.

Now I was getting ready to go get prescribed the pill because I wasn't having another scare or dealing with theo bullshit anymore.

Once I was ready I headed downstairs where my mom was sitting in the kitchen drinking a starbucks

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Once I was ready I headed downstairs where my mom was sitting in the kitchen drinking a starbucks. "hey baby." i smile. "hey"
She slides over a drink for me and I take sip. "where you going today." i shrug. "i don't know probably for a walk." lie. "are you not doing anything with theo today." i shake my head.

"I haven't spoken to him since wednesday." she looks up to see my sad face. "is everything OK between the two of you." i nod looking down. "yeah we just had a little disagreement over something stupid." she sets her phone down. "was the reason actually stupid or was the argument itself stuoid." I take a moment to think the thing that caused the argument wasn't stupid but the reason the arguement started was.
"i guess the situation wasn't stupid but the reason we argued was."

She nods. "why don't you hang out with niki... Clear your mind." i shake my head. "she's gone miami with boady and a few people from school." few people being serenity and her list of guests. "were you not invited." i was but after the way theo spoke back to serenity at her graduation party on the second day there she only invited me and not the both of us so I didn't want to leave theo for 6 weeks.

"darling can I ask you something." i look up. "yeah of course"
She sighs. "yesterday I was taking out all the bins in the house including your bins and um I found a used condom in your bathroom bin and an empty plan b packet in your room bin... Are you having sex again." my heart drops it was bold of my mom to ask this but I understood why she cared so much after everything James did to me after he found out I was raped.

"yeah with theo it started on graduation day we were being safe and nothing ever happened till Thursday when the condom broke thats what the arguement was about so he brought me plan b. I'm going to the clinic today to go on birth control." she nods looking down.

"is that what you want...or is it what he want." i take another sip of my coffee. "he wanted it first of course but I told him what happened in new York and he understood why I didn't want too and he told me that he will wait as long as I need him too." a little smile cracks on my mother's face kinda of showing her approval of theo words.

"lemme guess those words made you not wait." i laugh.
"kind of...mom I really really want you to like theo I know he seems a bit closed off and moody mom but he's the sweetest boy I've ever met he's so loving and caring he's honest and loyal and gosh he's so funny...sometimes and mom if you just got to know him you'd see all of it he doesn't have any friends except for me in America and that because everyone just sees his exterior and judges him by that even his family does it sometimes and it's not fair because he's been through some shit that's made him that way and it's not fair that everyone judges him from it."

"I get it Brooke and I'd happily have a few dinners with him he's allowed in my house I can have a conversation with him I'm open to getting to know him but you can't just give me this speech when I met him once at your graduation and before that there wasn't even any mentions of a boy that's why I was so confused that day love not because I didn't like theo the way the boy spoke to you was so sweet and you could tell how much he likes you and how proud you make him."

I smile, "I know and it was wrong for me to spring him on you like that but i was just worried that you'd judge him from his exterior like everyone else does especially because of new york."

She nods. "i get it but not all men are like the men that assaulted you or like James I mean look at your father he's an amazing man fighting in a war but always making time to talk to his family and make sure I know how much he loves me that's an amazing man and theo I don't know him well but I can
tell what a beautiful sweet man he is from the moment I met him and through the way you seem so happy with him so comfortable with him that's all I want for you."

"thank you mom that means a lot to me."
"of course sweerie you know I love you and only want the best for you"
"I love you too"

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