Chapter 4

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The air was still chilly but the promise of spring popped up like daffodils on a warm day. The steam of the shower brought a sleepy buzz back to my eyes; all the more reason to go out and get a pick-me-up for lunch.

And this time, it would be a mango smoothie no matter what anyone else tried to do or say.

I walked away from the hotel in the direction of the shops, just about a quarter of a mile down the road. My hair was just barely still damp from the shower. The tiny hotel hair dryer was no match for my thick locks, so I managed to use as much power on it as possible before toweling the rest of it dry.

The downtown was quiet, but still quite a few people milled about. In the center of town was a fountain. On warmer days, the tiny sprinklers embedded in the bricks would spit out water for children and adults alike to splash around in. But since it was only February, the only sounds were from the steady rise and fall of the flow of water inside of the fountain.

The lunch place I was looking for was just beyond the fountain, tucked between a shoe repair and a nail salon.

The Sweet Escape: Smoothies, Sandwiches & More, the sign flashed in neon pink. A bell dinged over the door as I entered, and I was greeted by the sweetness of fruit and the savory aroma of freshly toasted sandwiches and quiches.

"Reagan!" the woman behind the counter greeted me. Her blonde hair sported grey streaks and her plump arms reached out toward me for a hug. "Haven't seen you in a minute, darlin'. What has my favorite Southerner been up to these days?"

I smiled. "Good to see you, April. I finally gifted myself a vacation. Can you believe it?"

"My stars, it's finally happened." April clutched dramatically at her chest then let out a laugh. "You deserve the rest, Reagan. After Marianne ended your engagement..." she trailed off, clicking her tongue.

"She wasn't wrong to end it," I said. "We're both moving on in our own ways." Still, the mention of my ex did little to ease the tension that bubbled up in my throat.

April shook her head. "Hell of a thing to do. But! Enough about her. Come, let me buy you lunch."

"That's sweet, but you don't have to do that. I was actually going to just take a smoothie to go."

She nodded. "A busy day for a busy woman. I see how it is." April walked back behind the counter and typed something out on the cash register. "Mango Twist, right?"

"My favorite." I beamed.

April offered me a toasted ham and cheese on ciabatta bread to go with my smoothie, then rang up the purchase. Despite my protests, she paid for the meal herself, claiming the 'friends and family' discount. I argued that 'discount' usually meant still paying something.

"The way you can pay me is by coming back," she said. "Don't be a stranger. See you around." April gave me one final hug before I left.

I thanked her for the purchases then went back to the fountain to eat. The toasted sandwich was just what I needed to pair with my smoothie. The sun had warmed the air even more since the lunch shop, so it felt good to sit outside.

When I finished my sandwich and, much to my disappointment, drained ninety percent of my smoothie, I walked over to Flare & Solstice for some well-deserved retail therapy. Row upon row of clothes in every color and style imaginable greeted me the moment I stepped through the door.

It was clothing heaven.

I headed for one of the racks that sported sleeveless high turtleneck sweaters. My gaze gravitated toward the pink tops. I picked up a hanger for a soft rose-colored top and held it up to my body, glancing at my reflection in the mirror at the end of the aisle.

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