Chapter 6

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*I do not own the music referenced in this chapter.

The beat of the music thumped loudly in my ears as we approached. Most people paid no attention to us as we walked toward the group gathered by the lake. Tables filled with pots and pans of food lined the walkway toward the giant bonfire that was sectioned off to avoid any drunken mishaps.

The last thing anyone needed before Valentine's Day was singed eyebrows.

"Quite a turnout," I murmured as we approached the food table. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Violetta scanning the crowd, most likely looking for rogue paparazzi. I reached out and squeezed her hand.

She jumped, but when she realized it was me, she squeezed back. "Is it normally this many people?"

I shrugged. "Hard to say. I haven't been in a few years, but it gets more and more popular every year." I glanced at her expression as she kept her gaze on the crowd around us. "Does it bother you?"

"Ironic, huh?" Violetta shook her head. "No, I'm just not used to being around so many people with the ability to slip away easily unnoticed." She gestured to our surroundings.

While we were here, along with what seemed like the entire population of Asheville, there were plenty of easy escapes. The night air was cool and refreshing along my skin. To our left was the food and drinks; to our right the lake with plenty of paths to take if we needed a break.

C'mon, let's go get something to eat." I led her to one end of the table with staples of the bonfire, from pulled pork and fried chicken to mac-and-cheese and hushpuppies. We filled our plates then found seats on an empty log on the far side of the lake.

"And you eat this on a regular basis?" she asked, sounding more impressed than judgemental.

"Yep." I grinned, taking a bite of my fried chicken. "These are Southern staples." Grease coated my fingers, and I licked my lips. Ah, good ol' Southern fried chicken.

Violetta spun her fork around in the macaroni, scooping up a decent portion before lifting it to her mouth. When she pulled it away, there were cheese strings dotting her lower lip.

"You have a little, um," I said, gesturing to her lip.

"Oh!" Her hand flew to her mouth as she used her tongue to try and flick the cheese back up toward her mouth. "Did I get it?"

"Er, not really. Try again." I stifled a giggle as Violetta's tongue wiggled around outside of her mouth, earning us raised eyebrows from some of the other passers-by.

She whacked my arm when she realized that it was all just a tease and she was in fact making no progress whatsoever. "That's not helping!" Her lips broke into a smile despite the embarrassment that flushed her cheeks. "Ugh, can you imagine the headlines if a paparazzi saw me right now?"

I spread my hands out above my head dramatically. "Violetta Dawson, actress, caught eating macaroni and cheese! Critics outraged by dairy endorsement!"

Violetta giggled. "These hushpuppies refuse to be silent after spotting Violetta Dawson, age 27, eating the most Southern staple: fried chicken."

"Good one." I snorted. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks. Want anything?"

"I'll take mango schnapps if they have it," she replied.

"Coming right up!" I jumped to my feet and jogged over to the drink table where I was met with a familiar face.

"Look who it is, Reaggie Pop!" the man behind the table greeted me. He wore a tight fitting black t-shirt and his shaggy brown hair continuously fell into his eyes, earning a shake of his head to free his sight. "Been a while, Reags, how've you been?"

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