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The sound of feet slapping against the soft forest mulch was enough to ruin the moment of solace she allowed herself. As clan leader, it was so rare for Roísin to have more than a moment to herself.

Heavy breath and a throat clearing confirm what she already knows—there's to be no more peace today.

"Dia dhuit, Taoiseach."

The voice is young, too young for the burden it endures. Currently, it is also breathless. No doubt, the boy ran straight from the Fulcrum to the Ballyway woodlands. Her shoulders sink. This can't be good.

"You've had another vision, I take it, Cian?"

"Yes, Taoiseach."

"The axis?"

"Remains. But—"


"It will fall."

"It will fall."

"Yes, Taoiseach."

The news is not good, but it was to be expected. The signs—and there have been many—were clear. She'd hoped for more time. The gods, though, work on no one's time but their own.

"Thank you, Cian," Though a clear dismissal, the boy stays remains. He shuffles his feet.

"Forgive me, My Lady, there...there is more."

"More, Cian? What more can there be?"

"Mac Seáin—"

"What of him?"

"He walks with the Nameless God."

Silence. A thrill of fear takes over. The Taoiseach pushes the terror down. She steadies herself and levels her stare on the Seer.

Poor Cian. Poor, sweet Cian. A child himself, this power is too much for one to bear.

She allows her face to relax as she adjusts her gaze and softens it. Breathes life into it. Nurtures it.

She waits until the young prophet's shoulders drop. His hands unclench.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, Ceann. The sight is clear. The vision is true. Mac Seáin walks with the Void."

"Then we must sound the drums of war. The Axis will fall. Domnhall—" she calls, drawing the young Seer's attention to the guard he did not notice. "Alert the five families. It's time to mobilize. Unless—is there anything else?" She returns her attention to the Cian. The boy, eyes wide and sorrowful, nods yes.

"Their love will unleash Néit."


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