From One Sacked Captain to his his Mahi Bhaiya - Parte Dos

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From One Sacked Captain to his his Mahi Bhaiya - Parte Dos

(Again, take it with a bagful of salt. These are just free written.)

A/N - I really was half asleep the last time. But a promise is a promise. So *sipping coffee* and *waiting for a friend*.

Unto and Onwards.

"And Bhaiya.... Hardik...."

"What about him, Rohi?"

*another utterance of annoyance* "What is with you and these names, Bhaiya? You have influenced Virat."

"Of course I have!"

"Don't sound so proud of yourself!"

"Why shouldn't I be?"

*sadly scuffing foot on the carpet.* "Yeah.... Virat truly is someone you can be proud of... We all can be."

*a few seconds of silence* "Not just Virat, Rohit. I am plenty proud of you too. I am proud of every single one of you."


"I couldn't be prouder."

"....I lost us the Cup, Bhaiya..."

"...The World Cup?...."

"No.... The Tea Cup.... Of course the World Cup, Bhaiya!"

"... You have lost plenty of tea cups too..."


"What? You lost my favourite peacock motif teacup the last time you visited Ranchi."

*face crumpled up rather spectacularly* "Bhaiya! You already scolded me enough for that!"

"It was a gift from Sakshi..."

"Bhabhi didn't mind! She said that you had an unhealthy obsession with that cup!"

*a sudden stillness and sitting up straight* "Rohu! Tell me you didn't !"

"Didn't what?"

"Tell me that you are not in cahoots with my wife! That you did not 'lose' the cup because of some stupid 'plan'."

"....I was talking about the World Cup, Bhaiya. I lost us that cup, Mahi Bhai!"

"Don't wail, Rohit! You just made me lose my hearing!"

*hair pulled rather dramatically* "....Another thing I lost!"

*voice dropped to crooning levels* "Stopping wailing, you clown! You did not lose us the cup. The World Cup, that is. The only cup you lost me, is my Tea Cup. And we will be talking about that later."

"Talk to your Cheeks about that! It was his and Sakshi Bhabhi's plan."

"I should have known. That is one dangerous duo..... Where is all this coming from?"

"I don't know why they made the plan... Or When... I was just tricked into the execution."

*eyes rolled so far back into the head that it would need a flashlight to spin back into place.* "I meant the World Cup, Rohu. Where are all these stupid thoughts coming from?

"Not stupid, Bhaiya! I could have played a little more... well, responsibly and all."

"I did not get the memo...."

*head scratched in perplexity* "What memo, Bhaiya?"

"That cricket has been converted into a single-player mode game."

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