Someone is watching me

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Grandmother, where did you get the money from? Wang asked as he pushed the food tray away.

It was Xie who gave me the money. His grandmother replied.

"I don't like it when she does things like that. It makes me feel less of a man." Wang hissed. "I hate it when she pities me."

I want you to know that she does not pity you. She is not your caregiver; she is your wife-to-be. There is nothing wrong with helping your spouse. It is part of a relationship's responsibility. She gave me the money to buy the cows, so I could milk them and sell them until our crops picked up again. His grandmother explained.

"Please eat, you look gaunt," she adds. "He reluctantly nods but frowns.

When Wang finished eating, he wanted to take the plates to the kitchen to wash them. His grandmother stopped him. She smiles and says, "Ahh, ahh, I will wash them."

I think you need a bath," she laughs, adding, "You smell.". "You need to rest too."

Wang waited for Xie as usual, but she didn't come home at half past 2. He grew increasingly worried about Xie's absence. He paced back and forth, unable to shake off the sinking feeling in his gut. Feeling tired, he sat in his grandmother's chair, and that's the last thing he remembered. When he woke up, he was in bed.

Good morning, grandmother. Is this how Xie did not come home when I was in the dungeon? Wang asked, surprised.

"She must have been busy," my grandmother says, dismissing me. "I've made breakfast, eat and add some flesh," she smiles, warmth filling the room.

"I will milk the cows before eating," Wang told his grandmother.

The cows have already been milked, so don't worry," she replied.

"I'll eat and help you with the rest of the chores."

You don't need to worry about the chores; they have already been done. I only want you to eat and sleep. I can count your ribs. She frowned.

"Alright, grandmother," Wang says, a hint of defiance in his voice. I don't want you to worry about my ribs anymore." She looks at him, her frown slowly turning into a proud smile.

Two days have passed since Wang escaped the dungeon and Xie has not returned home, which is uncharacteristic of her. He went to her father's office to find out where she was, but the secretary said she had traveled. After three weeks, Xie still hadn't returned, and Wang became concerned. He visited her office regularly and met her father twice, who assured him the trip was an impromptu one related to her contract.

After erosion washed away their land, Wang is pleased that the land is gradually drying, enabling him to farm again.

Every day, no matter how early he wakes up, the cows are milked, and the chores are done. Wang only works on the farm, and he can't shake the feeling that someone watches him. It's a nagging sensation that scares him.

That night, Wang couldn't hold it anymore. He confided in his grandmother, trembling with fear. He asked if it could be the palace guards who had been watching him for three weeks. The thought of returning to that dungeon, enduring the cold and darkness without regular food and water, was unbearable.

If they wanted to arrest you, they would have acted on it the next day you escaped. They may be just keeping tabs on you. If you want, you can visit Xie's parents and grandmother in town and stay for a few days. His grandmother sighed.

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