23) THE BIG '2' '1'

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It was a beautiful winters day out we were having a heat wave and my baby boys birthday. we've been together for a year and 2 months and I've never been happier. And today I got to meet his family. He told me to come around 3 and it's 2:30 and I'm still sitting at my vanity getting ready. I didn't feel good about myself. I felt over dressed but it's really hot and I have to keep cool for my own sake and pants make me too hot.

I didn't want to sweat out my straightened hair so I kept it my natural waves and I didn't want to sweat my make up off either and if his family is like him it was definitely gonna be hot so I only wore mascara lip gloss a tiny but of highlighter to make my skin look extra glow and did my eyebrows.

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I drove to his house using the address he sent me

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I drove to his house using the address he sent me. And once I stepped out of my car I hard low music playing. I head towards the front door but when I reached it there was a sign saying That the party was in the backyard.

Whay party? Theo didn't mention a party? Maybe it was a surprise so he didn't know? Or maybe I'm at the wrong house? I hesitantly walk to the back gate walking throught it immediately being surrounded by a huge pool music and balloons.

"excuse me can I help you." i jump not realising the wide table I was standing next a crowd of a good 10-15 people staring at me and I stare at the middle age woman. "oh I'm sorry I don't know if I'm at the right place."  I say backing up feeling a bit too close.

"I don't think you are darling this is a family gathering." she seemed sweet but confused. "what's your name."  a younger girl asks a small baby in arms. "im I'm broo-" my words cut when I look around seeing a dark figure slouching in a chair far away it's head low and I knew it was Theodore. He was staring at me but he didn't move how disrespectful got me here worried I walked into the wrong house.

I pop my hip crossing my arms over my chest. He hesitates but gets up and walks to me dragging his feet seems like his social batteries dead and it's not even 4pm yet. He walks up right into my face expecting me to step back but I stand my ground. My chin up in confidence as he lowers his head to hold my eyes.

"so what you were gonna make me stand here like and idiot? You weren't gonna say hello or let me know I was at the right place having me worried for nothing." i could tell he was holding back his smile and he crosses his arms. "bastard." i shove my acrylic nail hard into his chest trying to crack him out of his shell.

"your not gonna smile." nothing. "are you mentally awake." I smack his cheek lightly and he breaks into a half smile and I smile. "fuck off." he tells me almost like he didn't want to smile. I go on my tip toes wrapping my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist bending to put his head in the crook of my neck. He sways us a bit.

I kiss his cheek and he stands up a little."happy birthday baby." i kiss him a few times keeping my hands on his cheek for stability. Pulling away from him I rest my feet on the ground as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

I turn around to see everyone looking like they've just seen a ghost. Theo clears his throat."yeah this is my girlfriend Brooklyn." i smile but they all just stated confused.

"well it's about time son...hi Brooklyn I'm theos dad I've heard so much about you." he smile giving me his hand and I take it smiling back he had the same smile as theo. "I've heard about you aswell and your dog... I've seen pictures of him hes really cute." his eyes widen and his eyebrow raises. "you talking about me son." i look up at theo and he was back to his closed off ways.

"don't flatter yourself old man." it was nice that his dad flew out for his birthday. "that's my best friend laikon and his girlfriend jayla." i wave at them and jayla wave at me back but laikon gives me a rude look. "how long you been dating this dickhead." laikon speaks out almost mad. "um a year and 2 months." jis eyebrows raise. "damn so its like That Brudda OK I see."

"dont start laik." Theodore warns and laikon kiss his teeth. "nah its cool I'm just a bit confused thats all." i don't like this guy. "anyways." theodore ignores them mumbling along.

"these are my brothers Kyle haden mason and jaxon." he one by one points them out and I smile at them. "and these are their girlfriends layla summer Jessica and Hailey don't ask me which girlfriend belong to which cause at this point I have no clue." i shake my head at him smiling.

"hi brooklyn." on of them says and I smile. "hello."
"you are very beautiful and have a very cute smile." i did not expect that. "my goodness thank you you are very beautiful yourself." i feel a hand run through my hair. Once the hand reaches the end of my hair I take it in mine squeezing it tight. He keep fidgeting which tells me he want to runaway and is uncomfortable and to cut it short. "yeah that's Jessica for you she's very sweet and annoying." jessica glares at him.

"that's my mother rayda along with my step father." i look at the middle aged woman that first spoke to me. "it's wonderful to meet you." she smiles. "and you darling it's clearly long overdue."
"very." i agree before glaring at theo and he kisses his teeth. "don't look at me like that." he places his palm on my cheek moving my face to stop looking at him and I giggle. "bastard."

"how old are you Brooke was it?" I think mason it who asked . "im 19 turning 20 in 2 months." he nods. "brother this isn't the girl you kissed at that party. Player are we?" his brother laughs and if goes silent almost as if they wanted to see my reaction. I cross my arms and look at Theodore stepping out of his reach and raising an eyebrow. "what party." he rolls his eyes.

"was it the Halloween party." he looks at me like I'm an idiot. "of course not it was before that." i look confused. "what party then." he sighs. "the first one we went to. This second time we ever met and you wouldn't fuck off and leave me alone."

I gasp. "you slag." I say jaw dropped and he laughs a bit. "shut up man. She kissed me also." i point at him. "did you kiss her back." he nods smirking. "in my defence she was drunk so I pulled away quickly even though she kinda wanted me."

I shake my head. "you and you big ego you so proud of yourself aren't you." he nods vigorously and I laugh. He looks me up and down like he just realised I was here. "don't look at me like that creep." he smiles. "give me a 360 then." i smack his arm. "are you not hot in that hoodie." he shakes his head. "too cold blooded are we?" he glared at me.

"yes exactly." i sway a little my feet starting to hurt. "are you ok. Do you want water. Are you too hot. Do you want to sit down." i smile. "im fine doctor." despite my answer he grabs my hand dragging me away from the audience we had. "excuse me sir where are you taking me." trying to resist but he pulls me anyways towards a shaded areas full of love sacs.

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