Chapter 12- ARIELLA/REMI

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____________ ARIELLA POV______________

What is happening! Why is this happening, how! How did the girl go missing. Is it the same person who texted me this? Its a coincidence right. Lana and this girl went missing and I had threathend them before. I have nothing to do with it right? No one is following me. They are just empty threaths. I have nothing to do with this. I have nothing to do with this.
I heard someone call out to me, more likey scream at me
"Hmm? What is it?"
"You seem lost. I've been calling you multiple times,"
Lia said with concern.
"I was just lost in my thoughts,I zoned out sorry."
I managed to reply, but my mind was still in turmoil.
"Are you okay?"
Lia asked, placing her hand on my forehead.
"Why are you sweating?"
"It's nothing, probably just because it's hot,"
I dismissed her question.
Annie seemed skeptical of my answer but continued,
"Where is the dollhouse?"
"It's in the car," I replied.
"I'll go get it,"
Annie said, leaving and returning quickly.
"Lia, didn't you get a gift?" Annie asked.
"I wanted to get a doll, but Ariella is-"
Lia glanced at me, hesitating.
I interrupted, writing Lia's name on the gift that already had mine and Annie's names on it. I handed it to Isa.
"It's a gift for Sophi from all of us,"
I explained.
She smiled and took the gift, and Lia gave me a side hug.
"Thank you," she said.
I nodded, returning her smile.

"You will come to Uni today right, I have a surprise for you"
Lia said and I am hating that word, surprise. I am hating surprises

"I will," I replied, stepping out of the car and waving at both of them.

It's quite late already, and I'm sure Mom will be worried. I let out a sigh as I rang the doorbell and watched my mom open the door. She was dressed in a light pink night suit, yet she looked stunning even at this late hour.

"Ari, I've been waiting for you," Mom said, pulling me inside.

"Did you not sleep?" I inquired.

"You mentioned you'd be back in two days, so I stayed up waiting for my baby girl," she replied.

I feel terrible. Just kill me. Kill yourself Ari.It's already two-thirty in the morning, and I made my mom wait. Dad isn't home either. I wish I could just disappear. Why do I always do this to her?

"Mom, have you eaten?" I asked.

"No, I prepared sandwiches and toast with roasted meat," she replied.

I can't make her any sadder, can I?
"Let's go eat, beautiful lady. I'm famished."

"Ari, look at the time. You haven't eaten?" she questioned.

"I did, but only a little. Let me eat until I'm satisfied," I said, leading her to the dining hall and helping her to a chair.

This feels surreal. I used to have late-night meals with Dad. Now, eating with Mom, I feel like I might actually be worthy of being her daughter.

"Mom, will you feed me?" I asked, trying not to sound too desperate.

"Of course, Ari," she replied, a beautiful smile spreading across her face, revealing all her teeth. Always smile like this, Mom. I hate it when you cry, and even more so when I'm the cause.

We had our dinner as Mom fed me and we shared the same plate.

"Lets get you to sleep my little girl"

We layed down on the bed and she embraced me.
Her scent calming me and assuring me that she loves me too. I snuggled more into her

"Do you hate me because I am like my other grandma?"
"No Ari, You are you and me loving you has nothing to do with anyone"
"Why do you love me mom, all I have done is hurting you"
"You and Ava" she gulped then continued "are the proof of our love, the childhood which we wanted is what I want my both daughters to have. Mom loves you with her whole heart"
"Do you love me?"
"With all my heart"
She patted my back making me sleepy as she is caressing my hair too.
"Yes Ari, Me and your Dad, we love you both more than anything"
Her voice is a little heavy but I didnt lift my head as sleep is taking over me

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Where stories live. Discover now