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"Why does everyone want to talk these days? Does anyone ever want to listen?" She accidentally let the words escape her mouth.

Randy's head snapped towards her, daring her to repeat herself.

"Come." He instructed her.

Swiftly picking her up bridal style, taking her upstairs.

Once arriving upstairs upon seeing 3 of her brothers still in her room.

"All of you out." He ordered her brothers.

He placed her onto the bed, grabbing the chair from her desk she used to complete her assignments in positioning it in a manner that he faced her.

"Start talking." He commanded.

"About?" She questioned, confused.

"What in hells name is going on with you. You barely eat. You're calling strangers your parents. Getting into arguments with your family almost every day. Going by another name, I'm listening, so start talking." He ranted.

"I don't trust anything your family gives me, let alone anything to eat. Kevin and Miranda are the only parents I've ever known therefore their my family. I don't get into arguments with them they get into arguments with me. You're the strangers, Mr. Randy, the number of times my so-called family has told me that I'm not one of them. I'm honestly surprised you're wondering why I refuse to acknowledge that I'm a part of this family. That's why I go by a different name." She maintained eye contact during the entire conversation.

Randy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to formulate an appropriate response. But nothing was coming to mind.

"I presume judging by your initial reaction, I may have caught you off with my answer."

"Kid, I know you may not believe that our family cares about you, but I assure you your beliefs are not the reality. Your uncle Dexter is at your school right now, sorting out the issue that took place yesterday - "

" You assurance is as useless as this conversation their actions spoke louder than any of their words. And as for Mr. Dexter, he can return back to work. I'm neither your nor his responsibility. My parents are going to be there for me as always." She interrupted him.

"You are my responsibility." He assured her, taking her hand in his.

"I wasn't for all these years. Why now? Why come back after all these to make promises you most likely won't keep." She said.

"Have I ever lied to you?" He asked her, his tone softened. He was trying to make this conversation the first of many they'd have.

"No, cause you've never taken the time to talk to me. Most of them left me to fend for myself from the day i was born.  You know I've been surrounded by 'my family' my entire life, yet I've never felt more alone. You can't lie to someone you haven't spoken to since the day they were born." She answered.

"I know i haven't been here, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. But I'm here now, and I'd love to be a part of your life, not just as Mr. Randy. That is if you'd let me." He knelt down in front of her his words sounded so sincere.

"I don't know." She responded. Why was everyone suddenly so apologetic lately.

"That's alright. You don't have to make that decision now. But if or whenever you feel you're ready you can come to me." She nodded in response.

He stood up slowly before continuing.

"Good. Now, would you like to tell me what's in the boxes?" He sat beside her.

"Not really." She answered in a low voice.

"That's alright. You don't have too, you don't owe me an explanation. But why do you have so many?" He questioned further.

"I bought them for different purposes, but I can't tell you why." She lied, but most of which was true.

He hummed in response he was aware she was lying but decided against saying anything.

"Why are there clothes picked out on in the corner. Do you plan on going somewhere." He walked over to the closet, picking up her clothes, examining them carefully.

"I was invited to go out tonight with my friends." She answered.

"And how do you plan on attending when you're injured." He asked, going back to his usual tone.

"My injuries are fine they barely hurt anymore. So I'll still be there." She answered.

"Do you expect me to believe that the injuries you sustained yesterday are magically better today." He turned to face her arms crossed his suit tailored to fit his body, showcasing his bulging muscles didn't help her feel less intimidated.

"It was never hurting that bad, so yes."  She said truthfully.

He stared at her for a few seconds before continuing.

"Alright, and what time does it start?"

"At 8p.m." She answered.

He nodded in response.

"Do you have any complaints about anything or anyone?" He asked before leaving.

"Yes, can you please tell them to stop barging into my room. I prefer it when it's just me in here." She responded quickly.

"I'll have a word with them." He assured her before walking out of the room.

"Elijah," Randy's voice filled the room as he emerged from the elevator.

"Hand over the keys to your sister's room." He demanded his hand outstretched.

   Which Elijah handed without attempting to protest.

"Should a reason for you to enter her room arise you'll use the bell. Otherwise, you'll stay out. This keys purpose is for that of an emergency. Understood." They all nodded.

And with that, they headed to work and school.

Meanwhile, Miranda Kevin and Dexter were all at Emirates Academy.

They had conveniently gotten there at the same time.

"I'm sure you're aware why we're here." Miranda said through her gritted teeth.

"I'm well aware of the fact that Mika got hurt, trust me, Miss Davidson, I love her like she, my own daughter."

"Good, thus you can imagine what we felt know that not only was she hurt but that your deputy head mistress withheld  valuable information as to how it happened. But she also lied about how it happened." Kevin expressed.

"I was not aware of this. But I assure you those involved will be punished."

"I trust you will, but do tell me, Miss Walter, why are you here picking up the pieces of the damage caused by Miss Sonny reckless hands." Dexter, who was sitting silently, finally spoke out.

"Do bring in Miss Sonny along with her son." Miss Walter pressed the button and spoke over the intercom.

A few seconds later, Miss Sonny came in alongside her, stood the boy who was responsible for Mika's injuries, who was now identified as her son, and Dean the witness.

Miss Walter gestured towards the empty seats that they sat in.

"Could you please recount what happened to everyone, please, Dean." She said to Dean, who retold what happened along with the security footage.

"Now, Miss Sonny, please do explain why you decided to lie." Miss Walter pressed on the matter.

"I never lied. My son would never do this they're lying." She screeched.

At this, Dean lost it.

"How dare you even with all the countless pieces of evidence you have the audacity to sit there lying through your teeth while my best friend sits at home in pain because you and your sons carelessness. And yet you look us all in the eye, and call me a liar." His outburst caused Miss Sonny to lose her cool.

"You bastard my son had every right to be there it was her fault that brat got in his way. I'm not responsible for her, I'm responsible for my son, and I couldn't care less who got hurt as long as it isn't him." She yelled, standing up from her seat.

All heads in the room snapped towards the mother and son duo.

The Blood Of A ......   (Bloodlines Begin #2)Where stories live. Discover now