-Chapter Five- Heather

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/i watch your eyes as she walks by/ what a sight for sore eyes/ brighter than a blue sky/ she's got you mesmerized/ while i die/

-heather, conan gray

Sunshine streamed through the windows of Y/n's room, and she groaned, pulling her pillow over her face. The muffled sounds of machinery whirring and people talking, however, would not be so easily tuned out. Normally, she'd still be asleep right now, but today was a major event in the kingdom- Corona's Science Exposition, where scientists would supposedly be showcasing their discoveries.

And of course, they had to set up the event right outside her window.

Y/n sighed and rolled herself out of bed, rubbing her eyes. She pulled off her (f/c) pajamas and got dressed in her outfit for the day- dark, flowing pants, with a light brown vest over a long-sleeved (f/c) blouse and her favorite boots. Why wouldn't it be a surprise if Rapunzel wears a dress?

Y/n was aware that, for the past few days, Rapunzel and her friends had been going on all sorts of adventures. The group had never invited her to join them, and if they had? Y/n probably would have declined anyway.

For the past few days, Y/n had been simply wandering the palace, reading, searching for new secret passageways in the castle- anything to keep her mind off things. Her tutors had simply- well, forgotten all about teaching her, and she had barely seen her parents. The only interaction she'd had was with her mother, who simply asked "Where's your sister?" without even listening to her response.

It was exhausting. Normally, Y/n would have just continued this routine. However, a tiny, illogical part of her brain just wanted to see- well, wanted to see Varian again. Y/n hadn't found an excuse to return to Old Corona yet, but a Science Expo? If she was going to find Varian anywhere, it'd be here.

Before she left, Y/n walked over to her desk, and pressed down gently on one of its side panels. When she pressed down, a small compartment popped open on top, revealing the Flynnoleum vial. Can't hurt to make sure it's still there, can it? Reassured, Y/n pushed the compartment closed and left her room, closing the door softly behind her.

After a few minutes of navigating the halls of the palace, Y/n found herself at one of the doors to the courtyard, where the Science Expo was being set up. Booths littered the space, showcasing all manner of machinery. Cassandra and one of the guards brushed past her as she strolled through the courtyard, talking about some sort of opportunity. After looking around for a moment, Y/n saw Varian over by a banner, having a discussion with Eugene and her sister. She slowly began to move through the crowd and make her way towards them, a smile growing on her face.

As she got closer, Y/n saw that Varian had said something to the two of them- and whatever it was, while he didn't seem to notice, it had triggered quite the reaction from them. Rapunzel's face was ecstatic, her grin spreading from ear to ear, while Eugene just looked shocked. Y/n walked closer, curious, and heard Varian finishing whatever he was saying.

"...will be here, right?" Varian was saying nervously, before scoffing. "Not that I'm- uh- doing this for her, or anything! But, uh... she's gonna be here, right?"

Rapunzel had just opened her mouth to speak when Y/n walked up behind her.

"Hey!" she said, faking an air of excitement. "How, uh... how are you guys?"

Varian seemed to choke on air, sputtering and coughing. Rapunzel seemed like she was trying not to smile- and failing miserably. "Hey, uh... hey, sis!" she said awkwardly.

Y/n cringed inwardly, but decided to try to keep the conversation moving. "Is who, exactly, going to be at the expo?" She smiled, hoping that her grin seemed genuine, and not jealous in the slightest. Jealous? She wasn't jealous! That would be stupid. Yes, yes, very stupid, she wasn't jealous of whoever this "she" was in the slightest.

Forget {Varian x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang