Jealous 18+

415 8 0

Warning 18+

Another OS


In front of Rhian's dressing room, Michelle knocked at the door and opened it when Rhian allowed him to enter. Rhian is facing her back while obviously wiping her tears before she turn back to look at Michelle
"What are you doing here?" Rhian asked.
"I'm here to see you. What's with that decision? Are you sure about that? Are you really going to leave your job here?" Michelle asked worriedly.
"I'm sure about it. I just need to take some rest in this industry and also to forget some things. If I'll stay here, it will just break my heart and I will not be able to move on"
"Are you going with ........... Sam?"
Rhian moved her face closer to Michelle and said, "Why? Are you jealous?" she smirked.
"O-of course n-not!" Michelle looked on his side to avoid Rhian's glare.
Seeing the reaction of Michelle, Rhian said, "Of course you're not. Why will you? You already have your Anntonia. Well, I'm not with him. I end up our relationship right after we broke up so I'm going to New York all by myself".
"Oh, I see ...... then take care on your trip tomorrow. See you again on your comeback" When Michelle was about to leave, she was stopped by Rhian's hands and it made him to look at her.
"Why?" Michelle asked.
"Can I get a farewell kiss? I mean hug from my first love" Rhian smiled at him but before he could answer, he already felt the clasp of Rhian. After a few seconds, Michelle can hear that the woman is sobbing so he decided to give her a hug also to comfort her.
"I'll miss you Michelle" Ray said between her sobs.
"I'll miss you too Rhian"
"Let me tell you this for the last time ......... Michelle, I love you" Rhian tightened her hug after saying those words to Michelle. Michelle didn't know what to say so he just remain hugging the sobbing Diva. Both of them remain on that position without noticing a pair of jealous eye that are glued on them.
When Rhian felt satisfied on the hug that she received, she quickly broke it and said, "Your Anntonia might waiting for you. You should go now"
"Oh I forgot. I'll take my leave now. Ja!"

Michelle quickly leave the room and went to their assigned dressing room but he found nothing inside. Then suddenly, his phone rang as he received a mail from Anntonia.

"I'll wait you inside the car"

He ran off towards the parking lot where their car was parked and when he reached it, he quickly opened the door and found his princess sitting near the window on the other side. He stepped inside and when their driver drove off at the location, he noticed that the woman was a bit far from him and remained silent while staring outside. Michelle moved closer to his girl and was about to grab her hand but Anntonia quickly avoided it and crossed her arms. Michelle looked at her worriedly and thought, 'what's her problem? Did I do something wrong again?'. After a moment of an awkward silence, Michelle ordered their driver to stop at the near post. The place where they stopped is a bit quiet and the cars are rarely passing to it.

"Leave us here. Take this money and go wherever you want" their driver bowed and gladly accepted the money then took his leave. Anntonia looked confusedly at Michelle and said,
"Why we stopped here? I want to go home"
"It's because I want to talk to you. You're being moody again and you're avoiding me, do you have any problem?" Michelle asked and move closer again to the woman.
"None" Anntonia answered without looking at him.
"Oh really? It's not what I see. I know you have problem. Did I do something wrong?"
"No. you did something RIGHT earlier and I saw it inside the dressing room"
Upon realization, Michelle suddenly exclaimed, "Don't tell me you saw it?"
"Ok, I will not tell that I saw you hugging Rhian tightly while saying 'I'll miss you too Rhian'. Duh!" Anntonia said and rolled her eyes.

Michelle chuckled a bit on Anntonia's sudden behavior and said, "Oh, someone is jealous"
"I'm not jealous!" Anntonia defended herself.
"I did not say that you're jealous. I said, 'someone'" He smirked.
"Stop it Michelle! You're annoying!" once again, she rolled her eyes and felt irritated.
Michelle put his arm on the woman's shoulder and hold her chin with his another hand to look at him and said, "Don't be jealous. I did it because I want to comfort her and don't worry, I'm sure it is the last time"
"I said I'm not jealous!" she pouted.
"Really? Then I guess it's really okay if I'll hug her many times. Next time I'll do it" Michelle removed his arm from Anntonia's shoulder and when he was about to draw away, the woman hold his hand and look at him with teary eyes.
"No! don't do it again! I admit it, I'm jealous"
"Don't cry, I'm just teasing you. Of course I will not do it again. I'm sorry" Michelle wiped the tear that fell from the woman's eyes.
"You're so mean! I hate you!"

Anntonia crossed her arms again and avoided Michelle's look but suddenly, Michelle cupped her cheeks and kissed her quickly. After a few seconds, without any second thoughts, she answered Michelle's kiss and deepened it as she slid her tongue inside the man's mouth. While battling for dominance, Michelle slowly pushes Anntonia to lie down and to make himself on top. Without breaking the kiss, Michelle is stroking freely every part of her and she didn't resist on it because deep inside, she wants more than this. She slowly removes Michelle's shirt to feel the naked manly body of him then suddenly, Michelle broke the kiss and unexpectedly said,

"I want you now Anntonia...... No one will disturb us here"
"You're really a pervert Michelle"
"Say whatever you want. I don't care, I just want you now"

Michelle continue on kissing the woman down to her neck while removing her clothes one by one. Revealing the body that he saw a long time ago, he smiled and said
"You look sexier than before every part of you improved a lot" Michelle traced Anntonia's body.
"Stop it Michelle. It's embarrassing" She looked on her side while having a pinch of red on her cheeks and continued, "just do whatever you want".
Michelle smirked and continued his unfinished business. Once again, he kissed the woman's neck and leaving a mark on it while his hands are busy removing the object that covers the mounds of the woman. Upon successfully removing the object, he slowly moved down his kisses down to the two mounds. He earned soft moans from Anntonia and it really made him to feel more lust in his body. Anntonia continued on moaning when she felt Michelle is moving again but this time he's moving down to her most sensitive area and slowly removing her last undergarment. Michelle played on it and feel every flesh but he was interrupted when Anntonia lift him up to face her and said,

"Michelle, I ....... want you ........ inside me" she said while gasping for air.
"Already?" Michelle said as he poked that part.
"Mou~ Michelle! Stop teasing me! Just do it already. I want you badly!" Anntonia aggressively unzipped and removed the pants of him. Michelle could feel his pants becoming loose as his pet is getting madly so he decided to help the woman on removing it. He put his clothes on the ground near the woman's clothes also and after that, he raised himself up a bit and looked straightly at Anntonia's eyes.
"Why?" she asked.
"Nothing. I just feel ...... nervous"
Anntonia chuckled and said "You're funny Michelle. This isn't your first time. Why are you nervous?"
"I .. I don't know" Anntonia sighed deeply and move his body closer again. He positioned himself at the entrance and slowly moves forward to get in. Somehow, Michelle don't understand why he felt difficult on going inside so he slowly reached the end while earning moans from his princess.
"It's been a long time, why you're still tight?"
"Like what you said, it's been a long time so you might get bigger down there" Anntonia smirked and traced Michelle's body by her index finger.
"Maybe all the nutritions from the foods you ate go to that area" she added then giggled. Her giggles suddenly changed into moans when Michelle slowly move his hips out and thrusted in again. He kissed again the woman's neck while keeping his hips busy moving in and out and slowly making it faster and faster.

Both of them can feel the hot air that is surrounding them inside the car as they continued making love. Because their just in a car now, it's Michelle who is on top controlling the intimate session that they're sharing. Even though Anntonia wants to dominate this moment, she can't, because Michelle seems getting wilder and wilder in his every move. After the long session and when they reached their climaxes, Michelle sat and his back is resting at the window while Anntonia is on his top, resting her head on Michelle collar bone and wrapping her arm around the naked body. The only thing that covers their body is their own clothes.

"Mich ..."
"Nothing ..."

"Mich ..." Atsuko called again.
"hmm?" Michelle hummed without looking at her.
"Nothing again".

"Honey ..." Once again, she called.
"What? Why you keep on calling memmmpphh" Anntonia looked at him but he was not able to continue his words when the woman captured his lips. Michelle answered back the kisses and did not notice that he is slowly lying down on the seat. Anntonia broke the kiss and cornered him with her arms then smirked at him,
"I'm now on top Honey"
Michelle traced again the woman's body starting from the mounds down to 'that' area then exclaimed, "Whhhaaattt????!! D-d-don't tell me you want another round?"
Anntonia smirked even more and answered; not by words but by actions. Like what they say, 'Action speaks louder than words'

'Lord .. I'm really tired but I can't resist this sexy angel who's on top of me. Please save meeeeee~!' Michelle thought.

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